Sunday, December 27, 2009

Girls' Gotta Eat

Couldn't resist posting these photos. . . . after all, if you're gonna pose like this you gotta expect them to show up somewhere, right??
Kim seems to like the chicken,
doesn't she? Her comment was "get this pic".
I baked a ham because I like ham but everyone really went after the chicken. Some were surprised to learn I rotisseried it. (I have many talents) Kim and family stayed for a while after supper and watched an old video (circa 1988) from the time BEFORE sons-in-law and grandchildren. It was a HOOT!
Kim left a few cookies ~ Lisa grabbed
one BEFORE breakfast.
Lisa spent the night with us Christmas Eve. She doesn't do that very often so we really enjoyed her company while we had it. She got up Christmas Day and left soon after a breakfast of ham, eggs, and toast ~ she had plans with friends in Birmingham.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Eve at our house

Welcome to Christmas Eve at our house. I finally found a program on the computer that would let me resize the photos. Please excuse some of the photography. I was not the only one using my camera yesterday but it seems I am the only one that knows how to work it properly. Some of the shots may be a little fuzzy but you will get the general idea. Enjoy. . . .
What would Christmas be without Buck
and a set of bunny ears??
Kim was moving but if you
look closely you can recognize her. My Christmas outfit ~ jeans and a red thermal shirt ~ comfort and joy! Yeah baby! Never fear ~ Buck guarded the grill with his trusty BB gun.We practiced shooting at the mailbox in preparation of shooting at the wandering dogs that come in the yard.
Lisa and Topher enjoyed a little bonding time over cartoons while supper was getting the finishing touches. And Jakob learned to sneak up from the hall and switch channels.(All of the satellite remotes work on all the satellite boxes) We rotisseried a chicken because Buck didn't want ham
Lisa brought rolls
(a first for her) Kim mixed the mac with the cheese Mother watched and talked
Our plant had many gifts
right before we attacked!
Guess who wrapped this one??
Kim and Skoot
Lisa with her usual smile
enjoyed the presents
(and the food)
Buck waited for the "go" sign
to start opening gifts
Jakob "adorned" himself
and showed off his necklace from Lisa
(It has a scorpion inside)
Kim and the boys ripped into
gifts as Skoot watched from a safe distance
Teresa and Jimmy watched as Topher
played "Bop It"
The End

Merry Christmas in cyberspace

As Santa and his reindeer settle down for a rest this morning ~ just want to wish all who read my humble little blog:
Merry Christmas (English)
Buone Feste Natalizie (Italian)
Feliz Navidad (Spanish)
Joyeux Noel (French)
Cestitamo Bozic (Yugoslavian)
Merry Christmas Y'all! (Alabama)

Thursday, December 24, 2009


It was five thirty this morning when I woke up ~ WHY!?!?! My internal clock does not have a snooze button, that's why. I have been getting up at five thirty for so long to get Buck off to work that I just WAKE up ~ no matter the day ~ no matter that it is Christmas EVE for goodness sakes and he ISN'T working today! ARGGGHHHH!

In good news: Jennifer and family made it to Wyoming safely where it was a balmy 18 degrees! Buck told her it was 54 here (she was NOT amused)

Since I'm up ~ think I could sneak out of the house for some coffee?? Anyone wanna meet me?? I'll be waiting. :-)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Opening gifts?

What is the proper protocol when you receive a gift in the mail or FedEx or UPS? Are you supposed to put the lovely brown box under your tree until Christmas morn? I am an opener. I pop open those boxes. Some are wrapped ~ some are not. Depending on who it is from ~ I open them. Today we received two boxes. One was a direct shipment from the company ~ no gift wrap. The other was a box with three small wrapped gifts ~ which went under the plant. We are opening gifts tomorrow when the fam comes for supper so they won't linger long under our Christmas plant.
Peace and good will to all ~ Kiss Kiss under the mistletoe.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy Winter!

Today is the official first day of winter. Just heard it on the news. So. . . Happy Winter everyone! For some silly reason I thought it was already here ~ maybe the 30 degree mornings we have had or the multiple days of snow Jennifer has experienced in Colorado? Who decides this stuff anyway? Is it based on the phases of the moon? The earth's rotation? I should look that up!

How do I get to Pasadena?

Kim and family are VERY BIG Alabama football fans. They recently bought this sweater for their dog "Bandit". Looks like he? she? is ready for the big game.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Almost Christmas

This hangs on the spare room door
to give whoever enters a giggle.
It is not a testament to the person
who sleeps there. (wink wink)

Our Christmas plant is thriving. It has amassed a few gifts underneath. It stands unadorned but proud. Sometimes "less is more" (a quote from "Project Runway") LOL
One of Buck's business associates sends us a lovely arrangement every year. I plan to light the candles on Christmas Eve when we have the fam over for supper and gift opening. . Hurrah!
Our mantle is hung with a holly swag but the main focus is still the grandchildren on either end. Christmas Eve we will hang our stockings.
I haven't baked cookies or a gingerbread house but I am trying to be in the spirit of the season. There will be a red velvet cake on Thursday and leftovers on Friday. Buck made his pilgrimage to Springfield and visited with Grace and I spent a major part of yesterday with Mother. Lisa and Kim will be physically with us on Christmas Eve and Jennifer will be with us in our hearts. She will be sharing Christmas with her in-laws in Wyoming.

Today is December 20th ~ almost Christmas ~ almost Kim and Skoot's wedding anniversary ~ almost the end of another year ~ I guess I could say I'm almost happy.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Christmas Cactus

Someone sent a Christmas cactus to Daddy's funeral. Who wanted it? Who would take it? What to do with it? It found a home at our house. I debated on just the right spot to put it and decided on the living room window where it could get light and be warm. It has started to bloom! The ones on top are white but the ones closer to the bottom are pinkish (shrimp?) Is this normal? Is this two plants in one pot? Anyone????
Hope you are having a good holiday season. Kiss Kiss

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Kim's new hair

Here she is ~ Kim with a haircut. I know I know we thought it would never happen! It looks really good on her and she says it is much easier to manage ~ especially in the mornings when she is getting ready for work. I think it looks darker ~ how about you? This was one of three shots I got of her last night at church. The others were "interrupted" by Christopher's "bunny ears" and a pencil that "mysteriously" floated in front of her face. She has enough curl in her hair that she can just wash , dry, and go. (I'm sure there is more to it than that, right?) Maybe a scrunch or a flip? Some hair product? No one's hair should be this easy! LOL

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Be afraid ~ be very afraid!

Thanksgiving is behind us and at least one turkey will NOT be celebrating Christmas at the Wilson household. Jakob is tearing into this turkey leg with a vengeance! We'll be having ham for the next holiday gathering ~ so let this be a warning to the piggies out there. LOL
Which is bigger?
The turkey leg or Jakob's head?
Thanksgiving we gathered at Daddy's house but Christmas will be here at our house. I didn't put up a tree (Buck is in a humbug mood) but we do have a Christmas PLANT. Gotta have something to put gifts under, right? Hope you all have a great Tuesday. Kiss kiss

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Alabama in the snow??

If you get up early (like 5:30 a.m.) you know there was snow in Jasper this morning. Buck and I first thought it was just a heavy frost. By the time I left for town (around 9:30 a.m.) this is all that was left. The shadowy areas in the yard still showed a little dusting of snow but where the sun was beaming down ~ NOTHING.
In the shadow of the EX
Remnants of snow?
Ring around the yard where the sun didn't hit yet.
So that is our first snow of the year. Possibly our ONLY snow of the year. I like the snow and if it is going to be bitterly cold anyway ~ why not have the beauty of snow along with it??

Friday, December 4, 2009

Our girls

Our girls are rarely together long enough to snap a family photo. Jennifer came for a quick weekend visit a few weeks back and we couldn't resist getting this one. Buck has always enjoyed being surrounded by his girls. This photo was taken at Daddy's house ~ man does my hair look GRAY! Time to break out the "Clairol"??
Lisa, Jennifer, Buck, Me, and Kim
Sister "love"
Those "extra' hands in the back are Jennifer. All three girls also posed with a "gang" sign which I was forbidden from using. I think the gang was "geek" but why risk insulting someone??
Lisa, Jennifer, and Kim
Lisa's hair keeps getting shorter as Jennifer and Kim's gets longer. I have trouble wearing mine down like this because it gets sooooo hot on my neck. I usually braid mine or twist it into a bun.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

It's December?

Here it is December and I haven't finished talking about November yet! Jennifer and the girls came for Daddy's funeral and were able to stay through Thanksgiving. The grandchildren had fun playing the leaves at Mother's house. They worked hard to get a BIG pile and then jumped into it (what else would you expect?) There were also some "leaf showers" going on so everyone had to be brushed off before entering the house.
Claire, Topher, Jakob, and Sarah
Sarah got braver the longer she played.
Jakob went full tilt into the pile.
Who needs to walk in a winter wonderland
when you have can play in leaves?
(not as cold)

Everyone was ready for Thanksgiving dinner
after outdoor play.

Monday, November 30, 2009

What was I thinking??

Okay. . . . why was I in town with rollers in my hair? Why did I get a photo taken? Looks like one of those photo booth pics, doesn't it? And while I have to admire the "neatness" of my rollers (I mean LOOK how nicely they are aligned) Why was I flashing a peace sign? And I use to SLEEP in those thing! Yikes!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Editorial ~ If you say it ~ mean it

How often do you say "I love you"? Do you mean it or is it just a way to end a conversation ~ "I love you, buh bye". When you say "I'm here if you need me" does that mean ~ call if you need me and I will be there for you OR does that mean call if you need me and if it is "convenient" I'll be there for you? In the last few weeks, I've been reminded that people say what they think you want to hear. As we were watching Daddy struggle through his last days people were quick to say "call me" or "let me know if there is anything I can do". I have to say some were actually there ~ Uncle Wayne with his brownies, Uncle Wayne with his green tomatoes, Aunt Doris with her conversation, Uncle Jerry and Aunt Louise with their love and listening ears were very supportive for Mother when she needed them to rally around her to help hold her up. Then there were those who said it and didn't mean it. Those who we thought would be there but weren't. Those who talk a good game but don't deliver. Our children came and brought their children with them. Cousins and friends showed up to offer condolences. But the hole in my heart from Daddy's passing was widen when some chose not to come. I will remember. . . .

Friday, November 27, 2009

We are many. . . .

The sisters
Teresa (the baby) Wanda (the oldest) and me (the middle child)
I know what you are thinking "she just posted this photo the other day!" I didn't forget, I just thought it would be cool to look at us, our children, and their children. Mother is doing well. She is staying alone at night. We told her we are a phone call away and that is how she wants it. Daddy fought 'til the end. I hope I made him proud.

The Grands
Lisa, Jennifer,Will, Kim, Aimee, and Archie
It's a rare thing that all of our children are in the same place so we took advantage of the opportunity to snap a photo. It almost looks as if they planned what to wear so they would co-ordinate. Lisa lives in Pelham, Jennifer in Colorado, Will in Arkansas, Kim and Aimee in Jasper, and Archie is Wetumpka. They gathered for Daddy's funeral. Their children seemed to get along well. Daddy would like this photo.
The Great Grands
Hannah, Jakob, Christopher,
Sarah, Ivey, Olivia, Lily, and Claire
And here are the great grands together ~ it wasn't easy getting them to be still long enough for a photo. As you can see ~ the girls outnumber the boys. (I don't think they really mind too much.)

Monday, November 23, 2009

Turkey in Hiding

This smart turkey is wearing "armor" so he will
not be shot for Thanksgiving dinner.
Thanksgiving ~ a time to remember all of the things we are thankful for ~ to gather with loved ones and enjoy too much food. Those who are so inclined will enjoy the parades and the ball games of the day. However you chose to celebrate ~ may you enjoy Thanksgiving Day.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Daddy lost his battle today, November 19th. He fought bravely against the ravages of dementia. Mother, Teresa, Kim and I were with him at the end. He fell asleep and drifted peacefully into a place of rest.
John Howard Panter
1929 ~ 2009
Survived by:
Wife of 62 years
Tommie Lou Brown Panter
Wanda Lee Kehler (husband Dennis)
Reba Gayle Nibler (husband Buck)
Teresa Ann Herzig (special friend Jimmy)
Archie Joe Best (wife Tanya)
Jennifer Leann Willenbrecht (husband Arie)
Kim Marie Wilson (husband Skoot)
Aimee Diane Wells (husband Michael)
William Alan Herzig (fiance' Jennifer)
Lisa Nicole Nibler
Great Grandchildren
Ivey Best
Lily Best
Jakob Wilson
Christopher Wilson
Sarah Willenbrecht
Olivia Wells
Claire Willenbrecht

Happy Anniversary

To my husband, Francis Martin (Buck) Nibler
Happy Anniversary
38 years and you still love me?
Looking forward to the next 38.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The mighty hunter

The rule at Kim's is "If you shoot you ~ you have to eat it". Saturday, Jakob and Topher went hunting with Skoot and Charley (their Poppy). As you can see ~ Jakob got his first "kill". They helped clean the squirrels and ate some. Each of the boys said it tasted like chicken. . . . I will just take their word for that because I will not eat "wild" game if I know it beforehand. There has been some "venison" stew foisted on me under debatable circumstances. . . . "Oh, I thought you knew?!" or "It's just like beef?!" Yeah, right!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

What's with the tongue?

I chose to have my tongue "bare"
Lisa choses to "accessorize" hers.Looks like Kim had something RED to eat
and my tongue is just NASTY
(looks like a pickle hanging out of my mouth)
The eyes have to be WIDE open when the tongue is out?
The tongue ~ an organ of "taste"? What is SO funny about sticking out the tongue for a picture? Obviously, I have no qualms about doing it. I can even touch the tip of my nose with my tongue. (I know I know ~ quite an accomplishment, right?) My children are also "uninhibited" with their tongues. What is that phrase? "Know when to HOLD your tongue"? Our girls are thoughtful and kind but also know how to burn you with words. Never ask their opinion unless you truly want it ~ for it may not be the one you wish to hear.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Did you think I forgot?

The purpose of my visit to Colorado was to be with Claire on her third birthday. Somewhere along the way ~ that got lost in the postings. She had a "Dora the Explorer" cake which was actually constructed of cupcakes. The top was iced smooth as if it were a one piece cake. Very clever! Half of the cupcakes were chocolate and half were white ~ each person could just pull out the one they wanted ~ no messy knife involved.
After a loud rendition of "Happy Birthday"
Claire blew out the candles!
What's a birthday without PRESENTS??
Looks like we'll never know.
The 'king of this castle' posed with
his princesses before
Trick or Treating began
Sarah with her "loot"
She shed her princess garb for more comfortable
clothing ~ the better to count the candy in, yes?
Claire counted her "loot" as well
She chose to do it regally :-)
The EX suffered from icicle overload
Thought this was cool
I think he was waving buh bye?
This is our grand nephew
Alisha's son ~ Charles
Chuck and Retta's oldest grandson
His dad is in the service and serving in Afghanistan
This was his choice of costume for Halloween.

Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...