Saturday, January 29, 2011


I'll admit.... I was worried :-/
But I stepped on the scale anyway :-)
2 pounds folks!!!!
Yea me @->-
That's 4 1/2 for January!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Happy Birthday Buck and Chuck!

Buck and Chuck
or as Mrs. Nibler would say "the boys". She spoke of them almost as if they were the same person. I have no idea how old they were in this photo but weren't they cuties?? Matching trikes and outfits. If you know them you know that sometimes Chuck would sort of cock his head to one side...due to the fact that Buck sat on his head before they were born! (according to their mother) Chuck is two minutes older than Buck...but at 63 I don't think that really matters.
On Sunday, Buck, Kim, Lisa and I went to Alexander City for a joint birthday party Retta, Celeste, and Alicia put together for them. It was very nice and we enjoyed our visit.

Alicia's mother in law made them a cake Alicia and her sons made sugar free cupcakes especially for Buck We couldn't light the candles due to the oxygen in the room but Buck did stand by Chuck's bed while we sang "Happy Birthday to y'all" He seemed to enjoy his talking birthday cardand here they are the day before their birthday.

Happy Birthday guys!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

A pound of flesh

In Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice", Shylock bargained with Antonio for a "pound of flesh". Today I am measuring my success with only 1/2 pound but at least it was on the down side and NOT on the up side. I shall strive to deliver a full pound next week.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Happy Birthday Jennifer!!!!

Sweet Sweet Jennifer
Happy Birthday to you
I wanted to say something clever
all I can come up with today is
Jennifer Leann Nibler Willenbrecht
"The Punk"
January 21st

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Miss Cellanea?!

I have photos and CDs with photos and today I thought I would's my blog and my grandchildren so bear with me :-) Unless you've been living under a rock, you know Alabama was hit with SNOW last week. Sunday ~ "oh look, it's snowing" Monday ~ "let's go out and play" Tuesday ~ "it's still here??" Wednesday ~ "there's ice on the road STILL?!" Thursday ~ "I need to go to the store ~ think there's anything left?" Friday ~ "Hallelujah, the sun is shining!!" Schools were closed all week so now parents are wondering "when will we make up those days?" I overheard a conversation about vacation plans and if they go into the summer ~ what are we going to do about our reservations.......

Topher enjoys "piloting" the four wheeler

Jakob has "style" when it comes to posing

Okay ~ subject change ~ we shipped Jennifer's family packages via UPS. Have you ever heard "the box is more fun than the gift inside??" Here's proof....

Sarah tucked into the packing peanuts
Claire took her turn
They found out the box was big enough for two!
Wouldn't you love to get that package??
Unrelated photo of sunset in Windsor, Colorado
Relax, enjoy

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Weigh In........

Drum Roll Please
Lost 2 pounds this week!!
May not be an awesome number like you might see on "Biggest Loser" but I'm happy with it. After all, I don't have a trainer, a nutritionist, or a doctor tracking my progress. I only have you, my reader, so TA DA!!!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow part deux....

Yesterday afternoon, after the roads had gone "slushy" Buck, Lisa, and I went out to Kim and Skoot's house for some fun with the Wilsons.
I'm ready ~ bring it on!!
Buck swept the snow off the truck and cranked it up to warm
Skoot was totally prepared for the snow
Yes, that is me on the cardboard
and away we go....
Yes, I did fall off
much to the amusement of Kim and Lisa
but I crawled back on and away we went again
(it was WAY FUN!!)
Lisa took her turn
Kim demonstrated the "proper"
shovel rider position
Skoot was a sport and drove everyone
He got a couple of rides in thanks to Kim
Oh No! We wore a hole in the cardboard!
Jakob ~ on shovel
Topher took me for a ride
So did Kim (a little scary!)
Topher enjoyed driving
(Lisa drove him also)
Look Mom ~ no hands!
Lisa and Jakob attempted a double rider
Jakob got tired of hanging on
and Kim just kept pulling him
(is that child abuse??)

Monday, January 10, 2011

And the snow came!

Buck is not a "cold weather" guy.
He watched from the garage.
The snow that was predicted ~ came! James Spann got it right! And indeed ~ Lisa did not go to work and neither did Buck. We played in the snow and I'm sure I will feel it in the morning!

The P2 hasn't moved since I came home from WalMart yesterday.

Lisa's truck moved ONLY because she needed gas on the off chance that she will go to work tomorrow. ("They" are saying that the slush on the roads will freeze tonight) I managed to get a shot of the yard BEFORE the dogs went nuts!

Lisa and I went outside and played for a bit. When we lived in Wyoming we would go to one of the parks and sled down the hills. I don't know what happened to that many years ago was that?? Anyway... we used a piece of cardboard and it was HILARIOUS!

Thumbs up and ready to Go-o-o-o-o She ended her ride facing the wrong way! I know you can't hear it but I screamed and laughed all the way to the bottom! No one is brave enough to go jump in the pool today!

Snow predicted

The weather people predicted snow starting on Friday. . . . it's coming. . . . PREPARE! The people of Alabama prepare in a BIG way. WalMart probably did record business over the last few days.
Crowds of people Sunday afternoon
everyone was being friendly and shaking
their heads at the craziness brought on
by snow in Alabama The soup aisle was picked over
but there were still some cans left if you stayed calm and weren't in a hurry.
Bread was another thing all together
the bread man was stocking as fast as he could
Frozen pizzas were at a premium
depending on brand name
Front and center when you walked in the door
Caps ~ and gloves ~ and ear muffs ~ oh my!
I was NOT amused
(okay, I thought it was funny but
this photo screams for sarcasm)
We probably have 3 inches on the ground at our house (photos later). Buck is not going to work, Lisa is not going to work, BUT I will work today ~ laundry, cooking, etc. Have a great day!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The first weigh in ~ Yikes!!!!

I weighed this morning and was NOT amused!!!! I haven't lost ANYTHING this week! My mood is like the photo below ~ dark and brooding. I will break through this "cloud" and have better news next week!
Do these look like SNOW clouds?
"They" are predicting we will get snow this weekend. . . .to the tune of 5-7 inches. Buck bought a generator in case our power goes out and my list is to pick up gas for it and the grill. . . .and yes bread and milk if I can find some ~ Jasper, Alabama kinda goes crazy at the mention of snow.
Buh bye for now ~ Muah!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


It seems everyone has an opinion on diet these days. Wanda is telling me she lost 20 pounds ~ Teresa is telling me NOT to eat the bread when we go out to eat ~ Buck is telling me it's all about PORTION control ~ Lisa is telling me to EXERCISE. Anyone else want to "weigh in" on the subject? This blog may turn into my journey to health and svelte? begins. I admit I'm fat ~ NOT pleasingly plumb ~ NOT pudgy ~ NOT "a little overweight". There, I've said it now let's move on, shall we?
I'm ready for a fight
I plan to weigh in on Saturday mornings. I would like to lose about 85 pounds. I would like to be thin and graceful and 32 years old....okay maybe not the last one :-)
Meet my nemesis....
Don't be afraid....
be VERY afraid!
Jennifer gave me this
cool take out cup....
and Kim gave me my trusty blue
travel bottle
(it matches the P2)
My bulletin board is filled with
quotes and photos.
Wish me luck!

Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...