Friday, September 29, 2023

Another Friday evening….

Missed a soccer match on Monday ~ Buck had a doctor appointment yesterday and a MRI today.  Will probably miss the soccer match tomorrow also.  

I have no words today.  Praying every day for my cousin Todd and his wife Denise and for me to be brave and strong for those who need me.  That’s about it for this week.

Friday, September 22, 2023

 Friday night….

Where would I be without my calendar and notebook?  Lost and most likely LATE! ;-)

This week Buck had two doctor appointments and a trip to the lab for next week’s doctor appointment.  I’ve been driving him because his right knee is hurting.  He has an appointment with an orthopedic guy in a couple of weeks.  Until then he will wear a knee brace that he borrowed from ME.

I have been busy with other activities ~ mowing the grass,  dipping a dead squirrel out of the pool, doing laundry, AND cancelling our flight and one hotel for the trip we have coming up in November.  Jakob and Katie are getting married!!!! Everything was set until THE KNEE…. Now we are going to drive (which is what I wanted to do any way but that’s a whole other thing).

Today we met Jennifer and her friend, Kelli, for lunch in Florence.   Kelli lives in Tennessee now and Jennifer came down to visit her.  Florence is about halfway between there and here.  It was a good day.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

 What’s that like?

What’s it like to always be right?

What’s it like to always be angry?

What’s it like to always be on the offensive?

What’s it like to never be happy?

I’ll never know.

I’m never right.

I’m never suppose to be angry.

I can never be offensive.

And happy? That’s an illusion….

Friday, September 15, 2023

 This week was busy and slow and busy….

Buck had two doctor appointments this week.  I drove him to Princeton for one of them.  Dr. Mendelssohn also works at St. Vincent’s so we are waiting for him to say he is moving ALL of his practice there.  We went to worship on Wednesday and I did the usual ~ laundry, cleaning, cooking.

Today I went out to the pool to remove the ladder.  Buck came out to “help” by telling me how I was doing it wrong.  Tomorrow we are going to a 7 year old socceer match ~ yea!  Seven year olds are a hoot to watch.

Topher is coming to Jasper tonight and while Kim mentioned meeting for lunch I suggested breakfast since we won’t be here at lunchtime.  She will let us know where he wants to go.  He is a busy young man right now ~ senior year ~ applying to medical school ~ socializing.

Next week we are going to meet Jennifer in Tennessee ~probably for lunch.  She is coming to visit a friend and how can we pass up a quick visit?  I want to spend the night ~ Buck not so much…. We’ll see.   

Friday, September 8, 2023

 Alright, here I am.  It’s been a week of doctor appointments.  I saw Dr. Bivona on Tuesday, Buck saw Dr. Karassi on Wednesday, and today was mammogram day.  Doesn’t all of that sound fun??  NOT

Monday was Skoot’s birthday and we went to their house for cake and ice cream.  I made a banana pudding for Sunday’s pot luck and they took the leftovers home with them (thank goodness).  

Let’s see…. I’ve paid bills, gone to Walmart, gone to CVS, and gone to worship.  I also worked outside and did laundry.  I REALLY need to rethink my activities!  

Maybe I’ll have something interesting to say next week.

Friday, September 1, 2023

Today is the first of September 2023.  It’s been awhile since I’ve done this.  We had a LOOOOONG day today.  It is almost 9 p.m. but it feels like it should be 11 or so.  Talked with Jennifer today ~ we missed our usual Thursday call yesterday.  Maybe this is the start of something new…. Again.   I’ll try to blog on Fridays ~ a round up of the week.  See you then?

Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...