Sunday, October 3, 2010

A day off?

Buck has been sick with a viral infection for the last few days. Wonder of wonders ~ he took the day off yesterday. We have SEVERAL projects around the house but yesterday was house washing day ~ HURRAH! Buck applied the "soap" to the outside of the house. Then we waited for the required five minutes. Tick-Tock.....Tick-Tock
After I power washed it ~ LOOK!
Our house really is yellow after all!
Okay, not REALLY a day off. I also mowed the yard yesterday and it looks SO much better. I think I could've bailed some of it for hay. I don't like it when it is that tall but we haven't had much rain lately and I didn't want to kill it. Hopefully it will survive.
According to a study at Florida State University, drinking 40 ounces of CAFFEINATED coffee a day may prevent memory loss and reduce your risk of Alzheimer's by suppressing the production of a protein that is thought to cause the disease. I can't wait to tell Buck!! (Downside ~ too much can interfere with sleep and trigger heart palpitations and dehydration)

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Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...