Thursday, June 18, 2020

Greetings from the month of June!
This may be my only post this month.  I thought in January I would do at least one a month and then ~ I didn’t. HA!
2020 has been full of MAJOR things happening in the world.  There was a pandemic that basically brought America to a halt.  People had to work from home, children had to school at home, and we were advised to wear a face mask if we ventured out of our houses.
Mother is going down hill.  She opted for physical therapy but after they stopped coming to the house ~ she stopped.  She spends her day in a lift recliner ~ sleeps there, eats there, does everything there.  She has Visiting Angels ~ a service that provides a care giver when Teresa and I aren’t there.  She has someone with her 24 hours a day.  Not sure what will happen when her money runs out ~ we will cross that bridge if we have to.
Buck’s health isn’t great.  He suffers from AFIB and v-tac of the heart. He has an appointment next week with the cardiologist.  We are hoping for the best but fear he will want to do an ablation.  He is also having digestive issues and has an appointment with a gastroenterologist next month.  Not sure what to think about that.  
I am well ~ I hope you are also.

Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...