Monday, February 22, 2016

Monday ~ rainy day today.  I did my 50 minutes on the treadmill before showering and heading down to Mother's.  She doesn't get out much in the rain....or the cold....or the heat.  I am sitting at the library where it is quiet and peaceful.  When I leave here, I will go pick up something for the both of us for lunch and go back to her house to eat with her.

How is your day??

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

I finished a goal on Saturday ~ I finished a 5k in 49.48 minutes.  My goal was to do it in under an hour.  Next I am shooting for 45 minutes.

I must confess ~ on Saturday we went to Krispie Kreme and I had a creme filled doughnut with a coke!!  Then we went to dinner with Lisa for her birthday (which is today) at Olive Garden and I had dessert!!  THEN, yesterday I ate with Mother and Teresa and had yet another dessert!!!!!

ALSO, I did not get on the treadmill Sunday or Monday!!

Got back to it today with 45 minutes ~ 10 of those were in program mode.  When the incline hit 7 I decided it was time to back it down a bit. Whew!

I plan to do a half marathon ~ there ~ I said it NOW to do it!

I'll keep you posted :-)    

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The second day of February ~ Groundhog Day! Did he see his shadow?

Time to rethink my goals ~
I need to work harder, whine less, be braver, and eat better.  Now, how to accomplish these:

Set a goal of  working out and post it somewhere so I SEE it everyday.

Don't let "people" bother me so much and when they do DON'T tell anyone.

Stand up for what I believe and say it out loud.

Use that app I have on my phone to log calories and exercise.  Hydrate hydrate hydrate.

Til next time ~ 

Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...