Monday, May 29, 2017

Memorial Day ~ last Monday in May ~ what to do what to do.
We are going to Kim's for lunch ~ unusual.  I am going to get in the pool and clean some more.  It is suppose to rain so ~ fun times all around.
Gotta get the pool ready so I can "work on my tan" cause, you know EVERYONE wants to see THAT.  Saving money so I can get a couple of tattoos but don't want to get them during swimming season.  Should have enough by the time I close it down in the fall.
Hoping to get Greyson some this summer and POSSIBLY Briggs ~ two make me a little nervous.  Haven't taken care of two little people since my own were small.  Jennifer and her girls will be here in July for a week so that will be fun.  Activities will be based on how Jennifer and Kim are feeling. Jennifer has hip issues and Kim has a bad knee so a lot of walking is probably out of the question ~ like the zoo or McWane center.
Buck is still working on his sticks.  I've got a TON of sticks and leaves to pick up AGAIN after Saturday's rain and wind before I can mow this week.  Need to figure out how to put new blades on the mower ~ that would make it a lot easier.
Well, time for oatmeal, coffee, and bible reading.
Until next month....

Monday, May 22, 2017

Monday ~ heading to Mother's in a bit to help clean her house.  Not sure why.... she doesn't really get it dirty.  When Teresa and I leave she will take a nap and hopefully feel like going out with me today. She hasn't been out of her house since a week ago yesterday.  
Trying to get the pool opened but we have a leak on the pump and I can't get it to stop.  Buck will be forced to help me OR I will have to call someone to come do it.
School is out for Greyson and I'm hoping he can come spend some time with us soon.  That will all hinge on Mother and how she is feeling and how much time I have to give her.  
Sarah and Claire will be out of school Friday and Jakob and Topher will go a day here and there this week until graduation on Friday.
Emma and Briggs aren't in school yet.

How's life treating you out there?

Monday, May 8, 2017

Good Monday to ya!
We had a trip to Gulf Shores last week and it went about the way I thought it would.  I didn't make it out onto the sand but we DID go to a seafood place to eat TWICE (yea?). Got a chance to spend a little time with Topher on his birthday, saw Jakob run, and watching Buck fish off that pier I've been hearing about for months.
On to a new week ~ right?
Today I will do the Mother/Teresa Monday and then this evening we get to watch Greyson play in his last tee ball game of the season.  It is such a joy to watch him ~ it makes Monday something to look forward to.  Tomorrow I'm getting my eyes checked and hopefully we will get back to buying groceries once a week.  It's been a little here and there since my trip to Dallas.  I sat down yesterday and mapped out a plan for myself.... I'll let you know if it works.
Hope you have a good week .... until next time MUAH!

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Here we are ~ Tuesday May 2, 2017
Buck had an appointment with an endocrinologist yesterday.  He told him to take his shot in the evening and wrote him a new prescription with a sliding scale dependent on his "number".
Today I will be doing Mother Monday since I went with Buck to the doctor yesterday.  She will have a couple of errands and we will get lunch.  Then I will be coming back to the house to work in the yard ~ so many twigs were blown down Sunday when we had rain.
Heading to Gulf Shores on Thursday ~ supposed to be my birthday present ~ that's all changed now.  Jakob is running in the state track meet so we will go see him.  Buck wanted to stay on the lake in Gulf Shores State Park so no laying on the beach.  We will probably go eat with Retta and Celeste.... and we are only going to be there until Saturday.  I may not even pack a swimsuit ~ I mean, why bother, right?

Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...