Monday, May 22, 2017

Monday ~ heading to Mother's in a bit to help clean her house.  Not sure why.... she doesn't really get it dirty.  When Teresa and I leave she will take a nap and hopefully feel like going out with me today. She hasn't been out of her house since a week ago yesterday.  
Trying to get the pool opened but we have a leak on the pump and I can't get it to stop.  Buck will be forced to help me OR I will have to call someone to come do it.
School is out for Greyson and I'm hoping he can come spend some time with us soon.  That will all hinge on Mother and how she is feeling and how much time I have to give her.  
Sarah and Claire will be out of school Friday and Jakob and Topher will go a day here and there this week until graduation on Friday.
Emma and Briggs aren't in school yet.

How's life treating you out there?

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Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...