Friday, February 27, 2009

Two weeks 'til Colorado

Two Weeks and counting!
I realized when I looked at the calendar today
that it's just two weeks until Spring Break
and our trip to Colorado.
Think I can loose 20 pounds by then?

I was in Wal Mart today ~ picking up a few things for supper. Buck wanted chicken livers. I checked the freshness date but didn't look at the price. When I got to the self scan ~ there wasn't a price! The young woman manning the podium didn't know who to call (it was chicken livers ~ the MEAT department maybe? DUH) When the meat guy came he didn't have a clue how much they were. . .said they were supposed to come to the store already priced?! None of the containers in the cooler had a price. I left without the chicken livers but not before I told the young woman at the podium that MAYBE they should pull those or price them. Her excuse ~ she had only been working there three days!!!! Why would they put a newbie on the podium? Wal Mart boogles the mind sometimes.

Buck's brother has been moved to a nursing home for 30 days of rehab. They are going to work on his mobility.
Lisa finished her first week of work ~ Hurrah!
The dog that got hit by the car has a broken plevis ~ in three places ~ OUCH!
And me? I went to the dentist ~ NO cavities ;-)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A bit of a ramble. . .

My husband has a twin brother, Chuck. Chuck went through AFIB a few years back and now has a pace maker. For one reason or another ~ no one can say exactly why ~ he was diagnosed with dementia about three years ago. He has been in the hospital for two weeks now with a heart "flutter" and some weird infection in his feet that makes it hard for him to walk. I went to visit him today. They had him up walking around the nurses station yesterday and he had been sitting in a chair this morning. They were just getting him settled back in his bed when I arrived. Rhetta, his wife, was there so we visited a while. Dementia is a strange affliction. He can recall details from years ago but may not be able to tell you what he had for breakfast this morning. He always knows who I am and even recognized me when I talked to him on the phone the other day. When they discharge him he will be going for 30 days of rehab at a nursing home in Bessemer. That's close to Rhetta's job and she will be able to see him every day after work.
In other news. . . .
Riley has been hit by a car. He can walk but he favors one leg and limps a little. I wrapped him in a beach towel and picked him up and he didn't even whimper so I don't think it is too major.

Lisa started her job at St. Vincent's East and is eagerly looking forward to that first paycheck.

Mother got hearing aids last week and she is enjoying the sounds of things she has been missing. Daddy is happy she got them 'cause now they can turn down the volume on the TV. People think Daddy is loosing his hearing sometimes but I think he is just being clever ~ if you don't think he heard you then you won't expect an answer and he can ignore you. BUT try walking into the kitchen and speaking in low tones with him sitting in the den and he can hear every word because sometimes he will comment on what it being said ~ see CLEVER!

Have to give a shout out to my buddy Shaw. I was not feeling well last night and took some pills around 8 o'clock and went to bed. This morning when I got up at 4:30 ~ I had a text message from a phone number I didn't recognize. Well, of course I texted back "Who is this?" He let me know it was him and now I have his number in my phone so I don't think it is some weirdo next time.

In case you've forgotten I am going on a road trip with Kim and the boys in a couple of weeks. I haven't traveled with "little people" in quite some time so it should be interesting? I'm sure I will have tales to tell when we get back.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Flower Update!

Who needs gardening books when you have a blog that people read? I got a call this morning telling me the yellow flowers are called YELLOW BELLS and they can be propagated by breaking off a piece and sticking it in the ground. Thanks Tee **

Monday, February 23, 2009

Spring is just around the corner

After a long winter of no washing ~ someone (Lisa)
"volunteered" to wash the EX.
We have green in the round flowerbed!
Not sure what these are called but
we have a bush that is covered with them. Anyone?
Schools in Alabama get Spring Break during March. . . .Kim is a teacher and both boys are in school. She decided to go to Colorado during that week to visit Jennifer and fam. Skoot can't go since it is the middle of TAX SEASON so I got an invitation to go along! (Thank goodness Skoot is an accountant!)
I called the other day and asked Arie if he is ready for the "Southern Invasion". Of course, he said yes. Can't wait to hear what he says when Jennifer and the girls start speaking Southern after we've been there a couple of days. :-) I'll let y'all know how that goes.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

I'm Still Waiting

I did what you told me
I sent the email to 10 people like you said
I'm still waiting for that miracle to happen

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Who's been sleeping in my bed?

The flash of the camera didn't bother them
The boys spent the night with us last week and their goal was to stay up until 1 a.m. We came home from church, had some dinner, watched a movie (Igor), and played some games. Around midnight I said I needed to go to bed. They wanted to stay up and watch TV. Buck's TV was on but everyone knows if you try changing the channel it will wake the person blissfully sleeping through the show on the screen. The next option was my room ~ where they usually sleep on a blow up mattress. Since it was after midnight (we woke Lisa to wish her Happy Birthday at 12:01 a.m.) I let them crawl into my bed while I took the couch. Five minutes after I tucked them in they were asleep ~ down for the count.

One handed!
Not sure why we have bamboo poles laying around in the backyard. Buck used them for something at work and instead of leaving them in the pit ~ he brought them home. Recently when the boys were here they decided they would make excellent pole vaulting poles. Sure they were only a little off the ground but in their imaginations ~ they were soaring.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

It's True

Have you heard the saying
You don't appreciate what you have until you don't have it any more?
I'm here to tell you that is TRUE! Last night as I was getting ready for church I flipped on the light in my bedroom and NOTHING happened! WHAT TO DO!? After checking the breaker box and flipping all the swicthes ~ still nothing ~ but only in the bedroom and bath. I like sleeping in total darkness so that wasn't an issue but stumbling around getting ready for bed was.
So raise your glasses and let's toast Thomas Edison for invention of the light bulb. Hurrah!

The Wilsons

The Wilsons all fit in Buck's chair!
Jakob with a 'K'
Topher (short for Christopher)
Jakob and Topher are alike but also VERY different. Jakob is very tender hearted and feels the pain of others. Topher is more likely to inflict that pain. Jakob wants to be an astronomer or some sort of scientist. He is going through a SILLY stage that sends him into giggles about the most ordinary things. Topher hasn't said what he wants to be but I can see him as a professional baseball player. He enjoys body noises (if you know what I mean) Talking to them separately you see smart, caring young men who make me proud to be their Magra.
Together they are brothers
irritating each other to the edge.
Buck has a twin brother and he likes to regale the boys with stories of their childhood ~ how bad they were in school ~ how many fights they got into ~ how many times his nose has been broken. Is that something to be proud of???

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What do you wear to a pity party?

For me it is sweats, socks, and disheveled hair. I don't know what it is about today. I got up at 4:30, made Buck's lunch, and had a cup of decaf and an open faced cheese sandwich. Then KABOOM I don't know what happened to my will power.
"Ah, a pear," I said. "That would be a good snack" and it was but. . . .
Before ten o'clock I had finished the last of the Pepsi ~ mixed with the last of the ice cream for a float ~ accompanied by Pringles (gotta have the salty with the sweet) and THEN I remembered I have Girl Scout cookies hidden in the house. I ate almost a whole box of Samoas!!!!

Okay, that's it, end of confession. I feel better. Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Willenbrechts

The Willenbrechts
My Sweet Sarah
Princess Claire of Windsor
As you can see from the photos, Sarah has straight hair and Claire has . . . not straight hair. Sarah has blue eyes and Claire has brown. They love each other, as sisters do, but I've been hearing lately that there has been some discontent in the house. . . as sisters do :-) Of course, it's only rumor and I personally never had a problem with my sisters. (Can't believe I wrote that with a straight face!) If all goes well, Jennifer and the girls will be coming for a visit sometime in the coming months. We are looking forward to a trip to Colorado in August for Sarah's fifth birthday ~ one of the BIG birthdays.
In other news ~
The little baby, who they are calling Tide (as in Roll Tide!) is over 2 pounds! That's still awfully tiny, isn't it? I'm trying to find out how to go visit him. He is still in Neo-natal ICU and there are restrictions on visiting. If I make it over to the hospital I will take a camera!
Buck is going for a check up on Friday for his heart. It's been a month since his surgery. So far it's all good.
My day has been filled today with ordinary errands and chores. I did manage to copy some photos I got from a cousin last week. I'll try to post some of them. And here it is almost time for cooking supper. What sounds good to you?

Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Lisa

Red Velvet (of course)
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Lisa
Happy Birthday to you!
21 ?!? When did that happen?
We love you!
(Gotta give a shout out to Jennifer. I tried to upload a video of Lisa
blowing out her candles and COULD NOT get it to work.
I don't know how you do it?! You pop those videos in all the time.
Maybe I'm being impatient?)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

No Photo

Happy Valentine's Day!
To all the people who live in my heart.
From all the people who live in my head.

There were supposed to be photos accompanying this but after doing a superb job of snapping several thought provoking pictures I realized I didn't have the memory stick in the camera. Believe me they would have been GREAT!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Today's Conumdrum

A conumdrum? A puzzle or riddle.
Today's conumdrum is:
What to give a man for Valentine's Day.
A man that says Valentine's Day is a "girly" holiday.
What does that mean????
Does that mean no flowers (no problem)
no candy (hey he's on a diet)
does that mean no special dinner (guy's gotta eat)
Help me out here

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Up a tree

Watch this ~ Watch this
Resting on his perch
Being a goof
It's been a while since I've tried to climb a tree but I still remember how much fun it was. You could look down on the people on the ground and laugh at their warnings of "not too high".
A tree is a child's mountain. It's a challenge that, once accomplished, makes you want to do it again and go higher. Of course, then you get a little braver and want to JUMP out of the tree. A "leap of faith"? You hang from the low branches and learn to let go. You get a little braver and jump off the tree from the lowest branch you can sit on. Then if you are truly brave ~ you SAIL from the top.
Sounds a little like growing up, doesn't it? Those lower branches are a child's first show of independence. Letting go is letting go of the comfort of Mom and Dad taking care of EVERYTHING but knowing they are there to catch you. The higher branches would represent growing up and being able to take care of yourself. When you can jump from the high branches, it's time for Mom and Dad to sit back and say "Look what my child can do"

Sunday, February 8, 2009


It's Sunday ~ and the last week before Valentine's Day. Thought I would change to one more background. My wish for each of you is that you are with someone you love and that they feel the same way about you. Remember. . . .
Love is a many splendored thing
Love is a four letter word
Unconditional love
Love conquers all
Love is blind
Love is a battlefied
Love means never having to say you're sorry
Make love not war
Love hurts
Peace, love, and rock 'n' roll
Love lifted me

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Valentine's Day is a week from today ~ don't forget!
The following is a take on a poem by Christopher Marlowe. The youth of today are much more literal than their literary ancestors, ya think?
Come live with me and be my love?
How shall I answer this request?
I'll say what's in my heart.
I cannot come to live with you,
For love is not enough.
Respect is needed and required.
Love can not pay the bills.
Gifts are nice and delightful,
But the rent is due today.
How shall I live with you my love,
If we the rent can't pay?
Growing up and growing older
Are not the same to me
Of you, my love, I do grow fonder
But I cannot live with thee.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Oops! My bad!

While I have heard "cute background" from some I've also heard "what's with the polka dots?" Seems it makes it harder to read. I'm changing background today to accomodate the naysayers. Still want to be "Valentine" themed. Hope you like the new one.
Have you hugged your
Valentine today?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Ahhhhh ~ Can you smell it?

Topher after their first game.
There's just something about a sweaty boy!
That sweet smell of playing hard.

The Rhinos: Jakob, Topher, Caleb, and Donivan

Jakob and Topher are playing Upwards Basketball this season. If you are like me and don't know what that means. . .let me explain. They have four members on their team and play three on three ~ half court. Instead of four quarters they play six periods. During halftime there is a devotion given. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. It is a good experience for them to see if they are interested in really playing basketball. You have to understand that Lisa played co-ed basketball in Wyoming and VERY competitive Girls' Club in Arkansas. She also played spring/summer travel ball so Upwards was a totally different concept for me. I've enjoyed watching them and they are improving. Baseball season is just around the corner ~ that's a sport I am learning about.

Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...