Friday, July 22, 2016

Fridays are beauty shop days for my mother ~ age 86.  I can remember when she would scoff at those ladies who went to the beauty shop to have their hair done.  Now she goes every week and has been for a very long time.  Occasionally I remind her of her earlier derisive attitude.

Here is my confession of the week.  I don't like retirement.  There, I've said it!  I have been putting off projects waiting for Buck to go back to work and HE ISN'T GOING!!!  I've got to rethink my weekly schedule ~ what is important? what do I REALLY want to accomplish? 

On Sunday it will be nine weeks until the Walk to End Alzheimer's ~ I am trying to prepare.  I've lost three pounds this month which means next month I will need to lose seven if I am going to lose five a month.  Can I????

Sunday, July 17, 2016

My days are a series of things to do ~ isn't everyone's?  I was "getting ready" for Jennifer and her daughters, then they were here and the house was FULL.  They left us with a quiet QUIET house and I was cleaning and getting ready for the next thing.

I painted some for the VBS coming up this week and did my usual Monday, Wednesday, Friday routine with Mother.

Turns out the next thing was Greyson coming for a couple of days.  Lisa called and asked if he could come for a night ~ we kept him two.  We took him back on Friday and once again the house is QUIET.

What will the next thing be?  Well, in ten weeks we do the Walk to End Alzheimer's so I will be getting ready for that.  What's your next thing??

Monday, July 11, 2016

Eleven weeks and counting....

Last week I walked/swam in the pool as my exercise.  It helps that it is outside and I have to breathe in the humidity.  I would like to lose five pounds this month and so far I'm down three!!

On Saturday of this week, I have a date with Greyson to go to the zoo's Dino Night.  He likes dinosaurs (who doesn't) and they have a special area set up with them ~ YEA!  That should be a workout right there!!

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Here it is July 3rd ~ and I need to start walking again.  I've been having leg cramps in the middle of the night... Not good!!  Twelve weeks from today Greyson, Teresa, and I will be doing the Walk to End Alzheimer's.  Teresa is NOT a walker and Greyson will be in a stroller so I won't be reporting a fabulous time, but that's okay at least they are going to be with me.

Greyson and Lisa did not do the Tallulah due to sister intervention ~ it was ugly and we may never recover from it.  Not trying to ignore the situation just don't feel the need to say any more about it.

Hope everyone has a great Fourth of July and that you don't (like I did) find any frogs in your swimming pool.

Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...