Friday, July 22, 2016

Fridays are beauty shop days for my mother ~ age 86.  I can remember when she would scoff at those ladies who went to the beauty shop to have their hair done.  Now she goes every week and has been for a very long time.  Occasionally I remind her of her earlier derisive attitude.

Here is my confession of the week.  I don't like retirement.  There, I've said it!  I have been putting off projects waiting for Buck to go back to work and HE ISN'T GOING!!!  I've got to rethink my weekly schedule ~ what is important? what do I REALLY want to accomplish? 

On Sunday it will be nine weeks until the Walk to End Alzheimer's ~ I am trying to prepare.  I've lost three pounds this month which means next month I will need to lose seven if I am going to lose five a month.  Can I????

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Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...