Sunday, August 28, 2016

Here it is ~ four weeks until the Walk to End Alzheimer's.  I wish I could tell you I'm going to RUN the whole way but I will have Greyson in a stroller and Teresa with me so that's probably NOT going to happen.

Been busy this week ~ closed the pool, mowed the lawn, and vacuumed.  I don't like vacuuming because Buck is in the recliner and I don't want to disturb him.  Decided it has to be done and he'll just have to listen for a bit to the sounds of his house being cleaned.

Today is a Sunday so we will be going to worship ~ lunch ~ worship.  Picking Mother up this morning and gotta cut two dozen doughnuts in half.... How does one do that?  I'm thinking scissors??

'Till next week ....

Monday, August 22, 2016

Five weeks until the Walk to End Alzheimer's!!  We have reached our fundraising goal!!  Teresa seems to be getting a little more excited, which is a good thing,

We are planning to hit the road in September on a road trip.  We will go to Jennifer's and then on to Gillette, Wyoming where we use to live (happy times) Not sure when we will be back.
(Probably the week after we leave ~ Buck is not much for staying away)
Five weeks until the Walk to End Alzheimer's!!  We have reached our fundraising goal!!  Teresa seems to be getting a little more excited, which is a good thing,

Today I an going to start on the treadmill ~ and hopefully a little outside so I don't faint when the day gets here.

On a side note ~ we are planning to hit the road in September on a road trip.  We will go to Jennifer's and then on to Gillette, Wyoming where we use to live (happy times) Not sure when we will be back.
(Probably the week after we leave ~ Buck is not much for staying away)

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Six weeks until the Walk to End Alzheimer's!!  Before then I need to get my knee in shape so that starts today.  Going to shoot for a mile on the treadmill ~ I know that's not much but gotta start somewhere.

It is Sunday so we will be going to worship this morning and lunch with whatever family members are available.  Buck will probably work in his shop this afternoon and I will work in the house (laundry not going to do itself)

Hope you have a blessed Sunday....

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Well, here's the news ~ I did not go to the doctor with my knee.  I DID sit with it elevated and iced on Sunday (something I should have done the first day) and the swelling went down.  Why go see a doctor if there is nothing to show him, right? Right!

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Here it is seven weeks until the Walk to End Alzheimer's and I have hurt my left knee!  It "popped" on Thursday but it has done that before, I limped around on Friday, on Saturday I mowed part of the grass (sitting on the mower for three hours with that knee bent probably wasn't my best idea) and this morning I could hardly walk.  I have iced it, warmed it, massaged it, and am thinking I MAY have to go see a doctor tomorrow.

So, anyway, seven weeks to be ready to walk two miles with Teresa and Greyson.  I can do that EASY PEASY, unless I'm on crutches then there MAY be a problem.

Keep ya posted.

Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...