Monday, August 30, 2010

The boys

Kim and Skoot went to Tennessee this past weekend to Polishing the Pulpit. It's a week of spiritual renewal. They left last Thursday afternoon and returned Sunday since both of them had to be at work today. The boys stayed with Shirley and Charley (the other grandparents) Thursday and Friday nights. I picked them up around 11 am on Saturday. They got ALOT of video game time in, we watched three DVDs, went to ball practice, church, and lunch with Mother and Teresa.
At a lose for something to do??
Get yourself a DS
(hand held video game system)
Jakob ready for practice.
Jakob is playing fall ball in Jasper at Fowler Field. We went to practice on Saturday. Never thought they would stay ~ it was lightening for goodness sakes! Oh no, they waited... then started. It was fun to watch ~ I've only seen the games AFTER the hours of practice. Now I know what goes into the finished product. (A lot of repetition)

That's Jakob "leading off" 3rd base
They also practiced their coaches "signals" which of course I can not show photos of!
The boys and I went to Sunday school after Buck left for work. He met us at church for morning worship. Christopher looks as if he may be choking ~ not to worry ~ it is just the seatbelt.
We decided Jakob looks as if his head is detached and sitting on his shoulder in this one. I snapped the two photos over the back of the driver's seat at a red light. Both boys were nicely dressed in polos and dress pants ~ very handsome.

No photo available
Our swimming days are officially over. The boys and I went swimming Saturday and Sunday but the water was at 76 degrees. This week I plan to get a new cover and since Buck is off work for Labor Day weekend we will close and cover the pool this weekend. Since it was the last weekend of swimming for the boys I let them go skinny dipping after I had exited the pool. There were some rules ~ like NO jumping from the sides and NO back floats. Both of them remarked they "felt free". Jakob said it was okay "cause Papaw used to do it". I reminded them that Papaw went swimming in a creek with his brothers and friends ~and that we do have a couple of neighbors. It was the highlight of the weekend.
Lisa sent this one to me after Nicole did her makeup. I think she may be an Alabama fan. Whaddaya think? I really like her with short hair ~ don't know what's going on with the flippy bang though. :-)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

There be frogs here!

A couple of years ago we had a "visitor" in the pool. It was a tiny green tree frog just minding his own business, swimming around ~ until Teresa dipped him out with the net while Kim watched from a perch on the side of the pool. This summer we have had one live frog and three dead ones! The dead ones have been in the "out basket" of all things. I think they are getting caught in the current. Whatever ~ a dead frog is preferred over a live one in the pool. We had a couple of very brave ones while Jennifer and the girls were here that ventured onto the deck ~ caught one and one got away. The boys like the bucket I keep by the filter because that is where I "store" the frogs. With the heat and the addition of a chorline tablet ~ they don't last long and we have some skeletal remains. Cool, huh?

Monday, August 23, 2010

Monkeys in a tree

The boys are going to be playing some "fall ball" this year. Topher had a practice game last Saturday. He and Jakob play on different teams due to their age difference but both play for Curry. I am now sporting a "Yellow Jacket" on the back of the P2.
And here are a few last photos from the girls visit and a trip to a mountain lake in Wyoming. We have been in the pool a few times since the girls left and the boys went back to school, but it isn't the same without the grandchildren. Claire modeling her goggles.
Sarah used water wings for a little while.
Claire encouraged Sarah in her back float.
Uncle Skoot watched Claire maneuver
a remote controlled vehicle.
(Sarah bought it with her birthday money)
Skoot and Jakob on the floor while the girls
stay safe from the cat under the sofa.
Sarah, Jakob, and Topher
in a magnolia at Kim's house.
The blue skies of Wyoming
In the distance you can see a four wheeler
hauling the boat Roger, Arie, and Jennifer used.
Jennifer enhanced the scenery.
Arie's dad, Roger
Arie as "King of the Mountain"?
Jennifer didn't exactly "strain"
any muscles while fishing.
And they took some home.

Monday, August 16, 2010

And away they flew

When I take the girls to the airport
I put on a Happy Face.
Sarah, Jennifer, and Claire
checked in and waiting to go through security.

Claire playing 'statue'
Sarah is going home to get ready for SCHOOL!
Jennifer was ready to go home.

And America's Next Top Models Are....
Sarah and Claire
Sarah perfects the "broken doll"
Claire works the window.
Look, Lisa, NO tongue ring!
My attempt at avant-garde photography?
Sarah is very versatile in her poses.
Claire whispered to me when I hugged her one last time, "I want to stay with you". Of course, Jennifer told her they were on their way to see "Daddy" and all was right with her world again. It would be okay with me if they ALL came to live with us. . . .a Nibler Commune, so to speak.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Wha say?

The day school started for the boys, Kim and Skoot invited us out for supper! Was she crazy??? Maybe that was the best day because once they really get into the swing of school, afternoons will be full of homework and extracurricular. Kim made a white chili, which was very yummy, and fruit salad.
Jennifer with her hands full of food for her girls.
Kim stirring the pot.
After supper we played a game of Scrabble ~ but not just any old game of Scrabble this was on Buck's terms ~ "spell it like it sounds". At first it was difficult for Kim and Jennifer to get into the idea of misspelling words. As you will see, that didn't last long. Both of them were "creative".
The Scrabble board BEFORE the onslaught of words?
Buck deep in thought?
"How do you misspell that?"
"Can you use that word in a sentence?"
pronounced goofin'
well, goiter with a silent 'j' of course!
The end game
After Scrabble we headed outside for some trampoline time. The girls had been looking forward to this ever since they learned that there is a trampoline in Kim's backyard. Buck, Skoot, Jennifer, and I didn't bounce.
Topher wanted time for
"one more trick"
Sarah in an "action" shot
Claire wasn't quite sure
notice Topher "helping" her in the background
Jakob can bounce higher than the frame around the trampoline. He is very brave. . . .kind of scary, actually, from a Magra's point of view.
The "Grand Finale" was a flip performed by Kim. She said she can only do it once per session so it was a treat to be there for that. She and Jennifer did gymnastics when they were younger and it's nice to see "she's still got it".

Friday, August 13, 2010

Another summer day

During the last week we swam ALOT. With temperatures in the HIGH 90's we were in the pool a couple of time each day. The grandchildren talked Buck into going swimming with them. He LOVED it. We've been visited by a few frogs this summer but thankfully ~ NO tadpoles.
Ever have one of those days??
Sarah has taken swimming lessons so she was comfortable in the water.
We got the treading water move DOWN!
The "royal boat" was utilized by all.
Princess Sarah seems to be enjoying her turn.
Claire and Sarah delighted in pushing Buck back into the pool.
"Come on out, Granddad", they would say.
Then a GIANT splash!
giggles followed
The girls had never been bowling and since the boys enjoy it we decided to go one day. Topher, Sarah, and Claire get to use the bumpers. Too bad we can't ALL do that, right?
Kim is a good bowler with her own unique form.
Claire's first ball stopped
before it reached the pins.
Topher gets low.
Jakob's second time
to bowl without bumpers,
and he didn't fall down once!
Skoot had the fastest ball ~ over 15 mph!
Sarah had her own style.
One of Claire's favorite parts
was waiting for the ball to return.
She would peek in the hole
to see if if was coming yet.

Sarah scored 82,
Claire 81,
Jennifer 75,
and I managed a 109.
Didn't get a photo of the other screen
but I know Skoot beat Kim
and Topher beat Jakob.
Not a bad day!

Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...