Saturday, August 14, 2010

Wha say?

The day school started for the boys, Kim and Skoot invited us out for supper! Was she crazy??? Maybe that was the best day because once they really get into the swing of school, afternoons will be full of homework and extracurricular. Kim made a white chili, which was very yummy, and fruit salad.
Jennifer with her hands full of food for her girls.
Kim stirring the pot.
After supper we played a game of Scrabble ~ but not just any old game of Scrabble this was on Buck's terms ~ "spell it like it sounds". At first it was difficult for Kim and Jennifer to get into the idea of misspelling words. As you will see, that didn't last long. Both of them were "creative".
The Scrabble board BEFORE the onslaught of words?
Buck deep in thought?
"How do you misspell that?"
"Can you use that word in a sentence?"
pronounced goofin'
well, goiter with a silent 'j' of course!
The end game
After Scrabble we headed outside for some trampoline time. The girls had been looking forward to this ever since they learned that there is a trampoline in Kim's backyard. Buck, Skoot, Jennifer, and I didn't bounce.
Topher wanted time for
"one more trick"
Sarah in an "action" shot
Claire wasn't quite sure
notice Topher "helping" her in the background
Jakob can bounce higher than the frame around the trampoline. He is very brave. . . .kind of scary, actually, from a Magra's point of view.
The "Grand Finale" was a flip performed by Kim. She said she can only do it once per session so it was a treat to be there for that. She and Jennifer did gymnastics when they were younger and it's nice to see "she's still got it".

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Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...