Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Happy Birthday Sarah!

Happy Birthday Sarah!
Today you are 6 years old!
Jennifer, Sarah, and Claire arrived yesterday. Jakob and Topher went with me to the airport. We were so excited to see each other! I'll pull out my camera today. When we got back to Jasper, we stopped at Granddad's office for a second then on to Mother's. Kim met us at Mother's and took the boys with her to the local hospital where they greeted a new cousin, Anna Grace. Jennifer, the girls, and I changed to swimsuits almost immediately and jumped in the pool. Kim and boys came shortly thereafter and joined us.
On the way to the airport we stopped at WalMart so Jakob could give me some birthday ideas for himself. His birthday is a week from today. After going through the toys for his age we wandered down the "little kids" aisle where we all pushed buttons to make the toys work. (Thank goodness no one had a camera on me ~ I was in there punching buttons also)
Today is Sarah's birthday and we are icing cupcakes this morning. I baked a dozen confetti and two dozen chocolate. (there are three missing because Buck, Jennifer, and I had to "sample" them last night) We are going to cut a hole in the center of the chocolate ones and fill them with caramel....YUM! We will be swimming and just hanging out at the house today. Pizza is on the menu for supper.

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