Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sarah's Birthday

Sarah Ann Willenbrecht turned six yesterday. Thankfully the boys were coming over for the day. After breakfast the children decorated Sarah birthday cupcakes. They had a great time tossing the sprinkles. So much so that afterward the kitchen floor was decorated as well. I sent Jennifer and the children on to dress for the pool while I mopped.
Jakob, Sarah, Claire, and Topher
The boys and I went swimming three times yesterday ~ morning and afternoon with the girls and once mid day while the girls were resting.
Topher and Jakob lying on the bottom of the pool.
Claire enjoyed floating in the "royal" float...
while Sarah practice her skills.
She is getting VERY brave and wanted to
jump from the side like the boys.
What a cute group!
I bought some birthday plates and napkins and what's a birthday without balloons??? I think there MAY be three inflated ones left. All four kids had a balloon battle to the death (of the balloons that is) We would hear giggle giggle giggle POP!
Sarah chose pink.
I thought Jakob's would pop
before we could get it tied!
We ordered in pizza.
There were four slices left.
I had one for breakfast this morning.
I was too slow to catch the candles burning.
Sarah refused to tell what she wished for.
She got some new Polly Pockets.
And CA$H, which is always the right color.
Lisa popped in as a surprise to everyone but me. Jennifer, Lisa, and I played a game of Scrabble (which Jennifer won) before Lisa headed back to her apartment. I asked her to let me know when she got home so I would know she made it home safely.... around 10 p.m. I texted her to ask if she was there yet. OF COURSE she was, I knew she would forget! LOL
Today the boys are with their other grandmother and Jennifer and girls have gone to Alabaster to visit friends. I've visited with Mother, done some laundry and written this post.
Hope you've had a good day as well.

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