Friday, February 27, 2009

Two weeks 'til Colorado

Two Weeks and counting!
I realized when I looked at the calendar today
that it's just two weeks until Spring Break
and our trip to Colorado.
Think I can loose 20 pounds by then?

I was in Wal Mart today ~ picking up a few things for supper. Buck wanted chicken livers. I checked the freshness date but didn't look at the price. When I got to the self scan ~ there wasn't a price! The young woman manning the podium didn't know who to call (it was chicken livers ~ the MEAT department maybe? DUH) When the meat guy came he didn't have a clue how much they were. . .said they were supposed to come to the store already priced?! None of the containers in the cooler had a price. I left without the chicken livers but not before I told the young woman at the podium that MAYBE they should pull those or price them. Her excuse ~ she had only been working there three days!!!! Why would they put a newbie on the podium? Wal Mart boogles the mind sometimes.

Buck's brother has been moved to a nursing home for 30 days of rehab. They are going to work on his mobility.
Lisa finished her first week of work ~ Hurrah!
The dog that got hit by the car has a broken plevis ~ in three places ~ OUCH!
And me? I went to the dentist ~ NO cavities ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hurray! 2 more weeks. Can't wait. Sarah asked me if it would take you that long to get here.

So, you must have taken the dog to the vet afterall? Did he get xrays and such? Poor puppy.

How is Chuck doing in the nursing home? I would hate that. Incentive to get up and walk around if possible, I suppose.

20 lbs. in 2 weeks. You could do it if you only ate one square of cheese when you were about to pass out. Please don't do that.

Love you...made it to Lander fine. Going to get my hair cut this morning and that is all I have planned. Nice! Jen

Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...