Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Up a tree

Watch this ~ Watch this
Resting on his perch
Being a goof
It's been a while since I've tried to climb a tree but I still remember how much fun it was. You could look down on the people on the ground and laugh at their warnings of "not too high".
A tree is a child's mountain. It's a challenge that, once accomplished, makes you want to do it again and go higher. Of course, then you get a little braver and want to JUMP out of the tree. A "leap of faith"? You hang from the low branches and learn to let go. You get a little braver and jump off the tree from the lowest branch you can sit on. Then if you are truly brave ~ you SAIL from the top.
Sounds a little like growing up, doesn't it? Those lower branches are a child's first show of independence. Letting go is letting go of the comfort of Mom and Dad taking care of EVERYTHING but knowing they are there to catch you. The higher branches would represent growing up and being able to take care of yourself. When you can jump from the high branches, it's time for Mom and Dad to sit back and say "Look what my child can do"

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