Monday, May 29, 2017

Memorial Day ~ last Monday in May ~ what to do what to do.
We are going to Kim's for lunch ~ unusual.  I am going to get in the pool and clean some more.  It is suppose to rain so ~ fun times all around.
Gotta get the pool ready so I can "work on my tan" cause, you know EVERYONE wants to see THAT.  Saving money so I can get a couple of tattoos but don't want to get them during swimming season.  Should have enough by the time I close it down in the fall.
Hoping to get Greyson some this summer and POSSIBLY Briggs ~ two make me a little nervous.  Haven't taken care of two little people since my own were small.  Jennifer and her girls will be here in July for a week so that will be fun.  Activities will be based on how Jennifer and Kim are feeling. Jennifer has hip issues and Kim has a bad knee so a lot of walking is probably out of the question ~ like the zoo or McWane center.
Buck is still working on his sticks.  I've got a TON of sticks and leaves to pick up AGAIN after Saturday's rain and wind before I can mow this week.  Need to figure out how to put new blades on the mower ~ that would make it a lot easier.
Well, time for oatmeal, coffee, and bible reading.
Until next month....

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Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...