Tuesday, December 24, 2013


I just returned from a visit in Colorado with Jennifer and her family.  The occasion was Emma's birthday.  We also celebrated Christmas while I was there ~ fun times and happy memories.
Jennifer teaches a pre school
class at church and gifted them
with Play doh ~ which we wrapped
(they are ROUND)
We "built" gingerbread houses 
Sarah loves the camera 
Last year I took a house for each girl
This year I took one for Arie, also.
Precision is the key  
Claire and I were proud of our artwork?
My "chalet"
Claire just couldn't decide WHEN to stop 
Our Jennifer listening to one of the girls 
Sarah with their Christmas tree
(ornaments have been known to
rearrange from day to day) 
Arie said "if you insist on snapping
my photo at least make it look
Emma got a rocking ladybug 
I think she LIKES it!! 
Attended a Daisy Troop meeting with Claire 
Emma's birthday dinner choice 
Jennifer sat one at each of our places
Emma enjoyed her birthday cupcake
After Arie smashed her hand into it
she just licked it off and kept eating
(Claire cried when he did this to her
on her first birthday) 
Watched Sarah at rock climbing class
It was a wonderful trip and there are more photos.  I had the chance to worship with the Windsor Church of Christ, went to soup supper, laughed at (and with) the girls, played Scrabble with Jennifer (I won 2 out of 3)
Thankfully I left in time to be AHEAD of the flash floods and snow/ice that some of the states I travel through experienced last week.  Yes, I drive!  It is very calming for me.  People are encouraging me to fly next time....we'll see

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