Saturday, October 24, 2020

 It’s one week until Halloween.  Claire’s birthday is the day before and once again, I’ll miss it.  I’m not sure she’ll even care ~ as long as we send her a present (wink wink)

We were supposed to go watch Greyson play soccer today but it rained so we bought groceries instead (a POOR substitute). I sure do miss my little boys.  I hope they don’t forget me.

Almost time for bed....  have a peaceful night and a serene Sunday.

Friday, October 2, 2020

Five years ago I got the call that my sister, Wanda, had died.  How did that happen??  I had talked to her the day before!  She had breast cancer but no one really believes that’s what killed her.  There’s no way to prove it but I will forever believe her “husband” neglected to take proper care of her.  I miss her every day.  I have no one to talk to like we talked together.

I was with Mother today and we didn’t mention Wanda.  Mother is slowing slipping away.  She is in hospice care and has someone with her 24/7.  Teresa and I do the morning shift ~ 7 a.m. - 3 p.m. then Visiting Angels are there.  Some people want to know why I can be so calm. Perhaps it’s because I came to terms with this months ago.  I just didn’t know how it would come about.


Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...