Friday, October 2, 2020

Five years ago I got the call that my sister, Wanda, had died.  How did that happen??  I had talked to her the day before!  She had breast cancer but no one really believes that’s what killed her.  There’s no way to prove it but I will forever believe her “husband” neglected to take proper care of her.  I miss her every day.  I have no one to talk to like we talked together.

I was with Mother today and we didn’t mention Wanda.  Mother is slowing slipping away.  She is in hospice care and has someone with her 24/7.  Teresa and I do the morning shift ~ 7 a.m. - 3 p.m. then Visiting Angels are there.  Some people want to know why I can be so calm. Perhaps it’s because I came to terms with this months ago.  I just didn’t know how it would come about.


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