Sunday, September 26, 2010

Shame on me

Friday night I met Kim and Teresa at Mother's house for a movie night. We watched "Letters to Juliet". It was a sweet movie and Mother had a tissue "at the ready" in case it got weepy. (It didn't.) About halfway through, we paused the DVD for a "snack break". Kim brought microwave popcorn, Teresa had three types of coffee to choose from, and Mother had a cream cheese danish.
We each took a paper plate and had a buffet to finish the movie.
I made brownies.
After the movie and clean up I ran to WalMart to pick up a couple of things. When I got home, Buck was asleep already so I quietly undressed and climbed in bed. The next morning, I pulled on the jeans and tee shirt I had discarded the night before.
I'm hoping they weren't ripped
like this at WalMart!!!!
There was a definite "breeze"
I guess that's what happens when you eat
popcorn, danish, and brownies
on the same night!

Chloe has been enjoying the pool during these last weeks of hot weather. She and Kaycee (not pictured) will lie down in the pool and lap the water. Then, of course, they stand up and shake on whoever is near....ah, a doggie shower!

Mac is getting SO big and very strong. You DO NOT want
him to run up behind you and knock you in the knees.
I've almost tumbled to the ground a couple of times.
Here is my butterfly made from Daddy's ties.
(Don't tell Wanda it's part of her birthday gift)
Roll Tide
They pulled out a victory over the
Arkansas Razorbacks.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Too much??

Tomorrow is the first day of Fall, y'all! Can you believe it? Are these the "dog days" of summer? I know our dogs are hot hot hot and enjoying the pool we have set up for them. I do believe I may have overdone it a bit yesterday. . . . see photo below.
This is NOT a sunburn ~ just over heating from working outside too long without a break or a drink of water. I'm glad none of my neighbors stopped by ~ they would have thought I was having a heat stroke! Now that is BEET red, people.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Ten Months

Ten months is but a whisper
Ten months have passed and I think of you every day
I watched as your heart beat slowed
We said we were ready ~ we knew you were
You fought the good fight
You finished your course
I love you Daddy

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Went to Cullman to a baseball tournament on Saturday. Topher has moved up to kid pitch AND they can steal bases (a BIG deal in case you didn't know) It was their first tournament doing these two things and they learned a lot even though they did not win. We are hoping for a better outcome next time.
Topher plays on a base,
out in the field, and short
(his position NOT his size)
Caleb plays on Jakob's team
and has a brother
who plays with Topher.
He sat with Kim and "helped" her keep the book.
Mothers can be VERY intense!
Sometimes we don't agree with the calls
and you have to go "wha say?"
Skoot rarely sits during a game
nervous tension, I guess.
Ever had a "bad hair day"? Would you believe Sarah chose this hairdo for "crazy hair day" at school. Don't you just love the look on her face? That would have given me such a headache! But of course my head is MUCH older than hers, right?

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Friday, September 3, 2010

It's Friday!

It's Friday and Labor Day weekend AND the first Alabama football game of the season is tomorrow. It's been a busy week so the weekend is looking good to me. Buck and Mother both had doctor appointments yesterday. Both are fine, just checking in mostly. I went to the dentist on Wednesday and yesterday was Jakob's first ballgame of fall ball. We are going to close the pool this weekend so today I will get in and vacuum it before adding chemicals for an overnight run. There have been a few leaves in it this week and we want to get it closed before all the leaves start to fall.
NO Cavities!
The weather has started to cool but Topher was still hot hot hot at Jakob's game yesterday. He didn't need styling gel for his hair ~ it was sweaty and Kim ran her fingers through it to create this 'do.
There is a parade in Windsor, Colorado this weekend and Sarah is planning to ride her bike in the children's section. Wishing I was there....

Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...