Saturday, April 30, 2011

This, That, and a Tornado,

Hello out there in cyber land....I know it's been almost two weeks since my last post so there is lots to talk about. The boys play ball for the Curry Yellow Jackets. When they are older they have options for high school ~ Curry (where Skoot went to school), Walker (where Kim went to school) OR Carbon Hill (no loyalties there)

"Feel the Sting"
I had a wonderful birthday.
Nothing like a Magra sandwich!

Jakob and Topher
at the Opryland Hotel
where they participated in the
Lads to Leaders Convention
Brotherly LOVE

Lads to Leaders is a program that encourages young people to get involved in church activities. Our guys did Bible reading (each got a medal), song leading(Jakob made the top six), speech (Jakob made the top six and Topher got second place), and Good Samaritan (each got a medal).
We are very proud of them. . . .and aren't they cute??
This tree is across Sixth Avenue just down from the Sixth Avenue Church of Christ.
This is in downtown Jasper ~ there is a car UNDER this rubble!

We were very fortunate and only suffered the loss of electricity at our house. As you may have seen on the news towns like Tuscaloosa and Cordova were not as fortunate. Please continue to keeps these communities in your prayers. They have a long recover ahead of them. Our electricity came back on today. We tend to take such things for granted until we no longer have them. Thanks to all the people who have worked so hard these last few days and who will continue to work in areas harder hit than we were. I know I've seen power trucks from Louisiana and Illinois, and Lisa said she saw one from Florida today.
This was the line at a gas station.
Everyone was being polite and we
moved through as quickly as possible.
There was a $40 limit.
The day WalMart reopened looked like this.
They had no meat or frozen items due
to the power outage.

This pile used to be the office
at the Sipsey mine. . . .

parts of it can be seen all over this hill.

One of the strip mines where Buck works was hit by one of the tornadoes. Thankfully, the men followed safety rules and were IN the pit when it came over and no one was hurt.... their vehicles were not so lucky....they were all destroyed, equipment was overturned, ripped apart, and damaged. We spoke with a couple of the men today and one told us they could see a large tree swirling in the wind.

Today I picked up limbs and started mowing the grass. It isn't finished but it does look better on one side of the house :-)

I have NO idea how this happened!
Looks like I was stung by something
I picked up some rose bush limbs that got hold of me, could that be what caused this??

Peace! and to all a g'night!

P.S. I am going to Colorado next week HOORAH!!

1 comment:

The Willenbrecht's said...

Your thumb does look like a rose bush stick. Or a spider bite. Is it better today? Hope so. We are going to worship and then to Sam's. Desprately need some trash bags and dish soap and that is where I like to get it. Getting your room ready today. Can't wait to see you!

Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...