Saturday, June 11, 2011

A fish, a horse, and a snake OH MY

Kim and family went fishing recently.  While most people try to catch "the big one", they were vying for the title of SMALLEST FISH CAUGHT.  This is Kim's entry into that contest.  Alas, she was beaten by Topher when he pulled in a smaller one. (picture not available)
I was on my way out the other day and SURPRISE!! There was a horse on the side of the road happily munching on the overgrown grass.  I stopped, he looked up at me as if to say "WHAT?!?"  I snapped a quick one and left him to his grazing.
Christian and Caleb spent the night with Jakob and Topher recently.  The boys went outside, as boys will do and they found this snake on the Wilson carport.  Christian killed it with a hoe and they measured it ~ about 31 inches!!!!  Thank goodness it wasn't poisonous. 
OH MY!!!!


Anonymous said...

Um, Yuck! What a post!

Anonymous said...

I thoroughly enjoy your style of writing and funny stories.

Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...