Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Cleaning out the picture file....

I snap photos with my phone, send them to my email, download them to the computer, and then I use them or toss them.  I know, I know there's probably an easier way, right??   Here are a few I saved....
Kim drove part of the time
on our drive to Colorado
The boys were NOT ready to
get back on the road the second day
Watching the girls in the pool
And catching "someone" playing
with Polly Pocket
Arie celebrated his birthday
with a strawberry daiquiri
Cute couple, yes??
Sarah the Diva
Claire bit into this lime
As with any trip to any amusement park any where .... there is usually rain sometime during the day.  Our trip to Elitch's was no different....
There was a rainbow
and then God gave us a double!
For most of the years that we have been visiting Windsor, Colorado there is always one morning when Buck and I will drive over to Windsor Lake for breakfast.  It is very quiet and a calm way to start a day.  Even when he doesn't get to go with me, I try to take one morning for this "tradition"
Windsor Lake in the early morning
Of course, later in the day when people start coming to the beach and playing in the sand, the calm is over.  We spent one day at the lake ~ it was awesome!
Those two specks in the distance
are Jennifer/girls and Kim/boys
on water tricycles
There was plenty of sand to dig in
Jakob dug himself into a hole!
The morning of Sarah's birthday
we are at The Egg and I
they put a candle in her waffle and
we sang to her
I think Claire enjoyed Jakob
(and she isn't a big male fan)
When we got home from Colorado, Kim had to go back to work.  The boys stayed with me a couple of those days ~ one of them was Jakob's birthday.
I baked him 12 cupcakes
I hope you enjoyed the hodgepodge of photos.  Kisses......

Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...