Monday, November 14, 2016

Good morning!
It's a Monday and I was up at 4:30 this morning ~ what's up with that???  I've been trying to stay up later so I will sleep a little later ~ so far, not happening.
Let's talk holidays today....
Our holiday plans go about the same as any other day.  We don't decorate and we don't celebrate.  Done.  Buck is NOT a "festive" person and it's come to the point that I just don't have the energy to get excited for both of us.  We will see Lisa and her fam on Christmas Eve ~ a tradition that we like and probably Kim and her fam on Christmas Day.  Jennifer and her fam live in Colorado and I can't remember the last time they came to us for a holiday ~ those are spent with Arie's family.  That's okay ~ it's their tradition.  When I'm there for Emma's birthday in December we do a gift opening so I get to watch the girls "in person" and that's nice.  Buck doesn't go for Emma's birthday because I fly for that one and he doesn't fly.  I could drive but he doesn't want me getting snow bound half way there.
Let's see.... New Year's Ever ~ party time, right??  Not at our house, not since there are no girls for me to toast the new year with that want to stay up with Mom until midnight.
Pretty boring stuff going on around here.... 'til next week

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Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...