Sunday, November 20, 2016

Good morning ~ up at 4:30 again today.  I feel rested and ready for the day.  So, what happened last week?
On Monday Buck thought he was having a stroke.  We went to Princeton's ER and they did a MRI, CT, and chest X-ray before sending us home with a diagnosis of possible TIA and check in with your primary care.  On Tuesday we went to his primary care doctor and they suggested a carotid check and some physical therapy.  On Wednesday we waited.... a woman came to "register" him for PT.  Thursday we went to his cardiologist ~ heart is fine, they did an EKG and a carotid check ~ BUT ~  he wants him to see a neurologist to determine WHY he had the TIA in the first place AND why he had head pain (doesn't usual happen with stroke).  On Friday a man came to "assess" his need for PT.  He is not going to NEED physical therapy by the time they get TO the physical therapy.  
Saturday was our 45th anniversary and we went to visit Lisa.  Had a nice long visit, played with the boys, and stopped at Wintzell's for dinner. So there you have it.  We are still waiting for the neurologist to call.
How was YOUR week?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Our week was a good week. Enjoyed spending time with ya'll on Saturday. Now if Dad would get answers that would be an even BETTER week! We love ya'll

Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...