Tuesday, August 1, 2017

First day of August!  So what's happened?

Jennifer and her children came last month for a week.  We swam, braided string, painted rocks, went to VBS a couple of nights, saw Despicable Me 3, and Jennifer, Kim, and I went to a Tim Hawkins show.  It was all good.

This month?

Tomorrow I am flying to Colorado for Sarah's birthday (13).  She's having a few friends over to help her celebrate.  I'll be back on Saturday ~ have to get back to you on how I like the short visit.  If all goes well, I may try it again for Claire and Emma birthdays.

Next week Jakob will be 18!!!  He is going to the beach with family.  His gift will be his bank.  I have one for each of the grandchildren and have decided 18 is a good birthday to give it to them.  He is the reason I started them.  I would say "you need some money" and he would say "no, I'm good" so I made him a "I don't need any money ~ money" jar.

Briggs will be one this month.  He will be having a party.  Haven't come up with a gift for him yet.  He is going to three different doctors next week for testing.  They can't seem to find what is wrong with him ~ he wheezes and coughs.... keep you posted.

School will be starting soon for all those old enough to go.  I will be closing the pool in a couple of weeks.  Got grass to mow and a house to clean....

Later ~ muah!

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