Monday, September 14, 2020

 I went to the doctor today.  She had all the paperwork from my stay in the hospital.  She said “you really had it bad”.  No duh doc!! LOL  Not only did I have “the Covid” I also had pneumonia in both lungs but when she listened today she didn’t hear anything but breathing.  I asked if it would be okay to go visit Mother ~ I had not seen her since August 22.  She said “you are probably one of the best to go visit her”. I’ve climbed the mountain and won.  NOT contagious ~ whoop whoop!!

Buck was scheduled for an Upper GI test tomorrow but we BOTH FORGOT to stop his blood thinner on Saturday.... rescheduled for next week.  Hoping they can figure out what is going on with his stomach.

I will get back to staying with Mother every other day tomorrow.  Teresa wants to stay with me cause I don’t know how to take care of her now that she is in a hospital bed ~ whatever!  She plans to sleep on the living room sofa in case I need her .... what a gal, right?  I owe her nine days from the time I was sick.


Saturday, September 5, 2020

Well, here we go....

To the person that was “being a rebel” and not wearing a mask ~ thank you.  You wanted to take it on ~ you’re strong ~ you can handle it?  I have no idea where I picked up the Covid-19 but I guess it’s going to be a part of me for awhile.  Buck and I have been vigilant about wearing a mask and washing our hands. Imagine my surprise when I started to feel sick on August 21!?  What!?  Probably just the yearly crud....nope!  On August 22 I started with a fever ~ sometimes as high as 103 and lethargic ~ just couldn’t get going.  On August 25 I went back to Urgent Care and was tested positive ~ no biggy Right?  On August 26 I couldn’t walk across the room without huffing and puffing for breath.  Buck took me to the ER at the local hospital ~ I was admitted to the “Covid Unit”.  I did not SEE any family except for FaceTime ~ Snapchats ~ photos until September 1.  I had oxygen for all those days and they kept urging me to breathe deep ~ as an added bonus I had pneumonia.  I also got a five day round of Covid medicine and shots in my stomach every day to prevent blood clots.  The staff at Walker Baptist (is that the right name) were very kind ~ apologizing when they had to stick me AGAIN for blood work or to move my IV ~ got some pretty nasty bruises from that.  I got to come home with five days of medication and an inhaler.  I’m in lockdown until September 15th. I still have to remind myself to breathe deeper and I’ve read this may affect my heart.

I’m thankful that  I was the one that went to the hospital and not Buck.

In the interim ~ Mother was admitted to the hospital down the hall from me with a UTI and severe dehydration.  They say she had Covid ~ I’m not convinced.  I laid in my bed thinking I may never see her again and Please Lord if she is going to die let me go to her so she isn’t alone.

So yes ~ you little rebel ~ you do you

Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...