Friday, February 26, 2010


We have received our tax refund!
I woke up this morning with a crick in my neck and really wanted to just stay in bed. I made my way to the kitchen where I put Buck's lunch together and made myself a smoothie. Stumbling to the computer I sat down to check emails and bank balances and THERE it was. . . .our tax refund! Maybe it is going to be a good day, after all!
Now, where did I put that heat pad???

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to my uncle ~ Jerry Brown! A dashing young man at Oakman High School
1954 - 1955
Striking a pose in cap and gown.
Once an Oakman Wildcat!
Now a devoted Bama fan.

Happy Birthday today to my uncle Jerry Brown!
He is my mom's oldest brother . . . .
third in line after Mother and Aunt Doris.
We love you Uncle Jerry!
Have a GREAT day!

Roll Tide!

Monday, February 22, 2010

A bird in the house?

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush??? Is that the way the saying goes? What about a bird in the house? What's THAT worth?

Yesterday I walked to the door with Buck as he was leaving for work. I caught a glimpse of "something" as it flew by my head into the house. I thought it was probably a moth. . . .
NOPE it was a bird! When I headed back to the living room ~ there it was sitting on the floor.

What to do ~ what to do!!!!!

I opened the side door and "ushered" it outside with a blanket. Before it decided to take to the great outdoors it landed on a curtain, a plant, a light fixture, the duck on the wall, a chair. . . .well, you get the picture. As I was relating my story to Buck he said "you should have left it inside and maybe it would have eaten ALL the ladybugs" to which I replied ~ "and then pooped on your chair". He was okay with me getting it out of the house.

And how was your Sunday morning??

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Men Shouldn't Take Phone Messages

The note reads:
Someone from the Gyno Colleges called.
They said the Pabst Beer is normal.
I didn't even know you liked beer.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy Birthday Lisa

Happy Birthday to you
Today you are 22
I love you Lisa
Happy Birthday to you!!My girl! I love you ~ you make me laugh.
You wear your heart on your sleeve
and your emotions show on your face.

May today be a new beginning
a new year for you.

Every morning all the stupid people
you know get together
and plan ways
to make your life
difficult. . . .
gotta roll with it baby gurl!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Thinking of You on Valentine's Day

May your Valentine's Day
be filled with things that make you laugh,
things that make you sigh with contentment,
and anything else that makes you feel
good and happy and loved.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow Fell on Alabama

Once again I'm here to talk about snow in Alabama. Looking back, we had some in January also. The weather people were expecting this after midnight last night but it was a little slow coming. It started around ten this morning. As you can see ~ the trees are beautiful. Talked to Kim ~ she and the boys have been outside playing. The boys are going to make a fort (if they can find enough snow). If it keeps falling like it is now ~ they just may have enough.

Looking across the back to the woods behind the house.
Kaycee enjoys the cold.
Chloe, Stripe and Mac sniff around for who knows what!
This guy may have been left outside a wee bit too long.
Checking the pool ~ there's a thin coat of ice.
Skating anyone??
My Mother and Daddy roses don't look any worse.
Hoping they will survive the winter.
Snowflakes on the tongue
Hope I haven't bored you with another posting about the snow. I like the beauty of it falling and the peacefulness (is that a word?) of the quiet ~ like the snow has blanketed the world and muffled the harshness of every day.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Tick Tock The Tax Clock

I am happy to say we had our taxes done yesterday. No more looking at the calendar to see how many more days until "TAX DAY". We have ours filed through H&R Block and it was quite simple this year. We have no dependents we can claim (I tried listing the five dogs but the IRS frowns on that!) Buck has held only one job for the entire year ~ no moving expenses ~ no two state returns. I'm happy to report we will be getting a small refund this year. . . . I know! We were suprised, also. We were hoping to break even. So I encourage those of you who haven't filed to go ahead ~ maybe it won't be as bad as you think.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

A little trivia

While doing my morning Crickler Puzzle, I came across this information. The Hawaiian language consists of seven consonants: H,K,L,M,N,P,W and every syllable ends with a vowel. Interesting, yes??

Friday, February 5, 2010

Got Credit????

I know there are people out there that only pay cash ~ we are not those people. Mother has told me for years that they only have one credit card and it was for ID purposes ~ like when they ask for two ID's or for travel. They haven't traveled in several years but she still had a Discover card. . . . or did she?? Mother thought she would go shopping last week at the local mall. She picked up a couple of items and on a whim pulled out her credit card. The clerk swiped it . . . . nothing . . . . she tried again . . . . nothing. They decided that maybe the strip on the back was just worn out and she would punch in the numbers. . . .THAT'S when they discovered Mother's DISCOVER card had expired ~ in 1997! She has laughed and told everyone her story so I thought I would share it with anyone that may have missed the telling of it.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Happy Groundhog's Day!
He saw his shadow. . . .
Six more weeks of Winter!


Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...