Friday, February 5, 2010

Got Credit????

I know there are people out there that only pay cash ~ we are not those people. Mother has told me for years that they only have one credit card and it was for ID purposes ~ like when they ask for two ID's or for travel. They haven't traveled in several years but she still had a Discover card. . . . or did she?? Mother thought she would go shopping last week at the local mall. She picked up a couple of items and on a whim pulled out her credit card. The clerk swiped it . . . . nothing . . . . she tried again . . . . nothing. They decided that maybe the strip on the back was just worn out and she would punch in the numbers. . . .THAT'S when they discovered Mother's DISCOVER card had expired ~ in 1997! She has laughed and told everyone her story so I thought I would share it with anyone that may have missed the telling of it.

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Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...