Monday, February 22, 2010

A bird in the house?

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush??? Is that the way the saying goes? What about a bird in the house? What's THAT worth?

Yesterday I walked to the door with Buck as he was leaving for work. I caught a glimpse of "something" as it flew by my head into the house. I thought it was probably a moth. . . .
NOPE it was a bird! When I headed back to the living room ~ there it was sitting on the floor.

What to do ~ what to do!!!!!

I opened the side door and "ushered" it outside with a blanket. Before it decided to take to the great outdoors it landed on a curtain, a plant, a light fixture, the duck on the wall, a chair. . . .well, you get the picture. As I was relating my story to Buck he said "you should have left it inside and maybe it would have eaten ALL the ladybugs" to which I replied ~ "and then pooped on your chair". He was okay with me getting it out of the house.

And how was your Sunday morning??

1 comment:

The Willenbrecht's said...

Read this to the girls...They liked it!

Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...