Friday, November 26, 2010


Tis the day after Thanksgiving
Black Friday they call it
also the day of THE BIG GAME
Alabama vs. Auburn
Do we eat ourselves into oblivion with the leftovers?
Do we shop 'til we drop with the unwashed masses
who have been standing in line for a good deal since midnight?
OR do we settle in for a football game?
Hmmmmmmmm..... how about none of the above??Lisa decided she would make veg all
casserole for her friends.
(check the recipe
it got too close to a hot stove eye)
Setting the oven
Mix well and. . . .
Viola veg all!!
This is a red velvet cake in disguise
(Lisa took it home with her)
We went to Mother's for supper. She planned the menu and gave me and Kim things to cook. Lisa provided cranberry sauce and Teresa brought drinks.
Mother baked the turkey
and made veg all and dressing
not pictured is mac and cheese made by
Jakob and Christopher and mashed potatoes by me
Skoot was like "are you going to eat that??"
Caught Teresa with her mouth full!
Jakob, Skoot, Topher, and Kim
Buck and me
(not our most flattering)
and of course Mother had a story
I made a banana pudding
Kim made red velvet
(the way it is supposed to look)
The End

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Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...