Thursday, August 25, 2011

A hiking we did go....

Colorado ~ home of Mile High Stadium, Denver Broncos, and the Willenbrechts (the most important attraction if you ask me).  We do something different almost every time I'm there.  This trip, we HIKED.  Yes, you read that correctly ~ we hiked.  It was a day like any other day ~ special because it was Sarah's birthday but other than that, an ordinary Thursday.  After breakfast at the Egg and I, Arie went to work and Jennifer, Kim, the girls, the boys, and I headed to Horse tooth Park.
The horse tooth formation for which it is named
A snapshot with the grandchildren before we
got to far into the hike
We were excited ~ we were pumped ~ we were together in the beautiful Colorado air ~ celebrating Sarah's seventh birthday.  We walked a little way and came to a fork in the road.  We took the "easy" route.
Which way to go
which way to go???
We followed the path stopping to marvel at
the scenery and to snap a few dozen photos.

The girls and I got a little ahead of everyone else
(I had my eye on the bench in the distance)
Sarah, me and Claire
Love those girls!!
I'm not a great hiker but I gave it my best, kept up with the group, didn't complain, didn't pass out.  It was a gorgeous way to spend our last day with Jennifer and the girls.
No mountain goats but Kim and the children
saw a deer (Topher spotted it first)
I was glad when I wasn't the one
who called for a break
(maybe I was the reason
 but no one mentioned that) 
While sitting under this tree we met a Dalmatian and his owner ~ both very friendly.  The park is animal friendly ~ leash rules apply.  Everyone we met was friendly and courteous ~ staying to the left of the path.

Me with the grands on a small bridge over
a small creek
Shortly after this photo ~ I turned around and went back to the picnic area.
I admit it ~ my face WAS RED!
They made it to the falls and everyone took off their shoes for a wade in the cool water.
The Wet Wilsons
Topher made it to the top
Loving the curl on the forehead 
Claire is not a WATER PERSON
so Jennifer "helped" her 
Were you expecting Niagara?? 
Jakob, Sarah, Claire, and Topher
Kim snapped the next few shots on the bridge you saw me on earlier.  She has a good eye with the camera.  And she had some really great subjects to work with. 
My adorable Claire
My cool Jakob
  My sweet Sarah
My irrepressible Topher 
Not sure who was enjoying this piggy back
ride more ~ Kim or Claire
Deep in thought 
Very Little House on the Prairie
What exactly was he doing in there??
Do we want to know??
We had a nice picnic lunch when everyone returned.  It was a wonderful way to end our time at the Horse tooth.
Jakob particularly enjoyed the

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