Tuesday, November 5, 2013

2958.3 miles

I've just returned from a road trip to Windsor, Colorado.  Road trip? Yes!  I enjoy the drive and the reward at the end is WELL worth it.  The REASON I went was to celebrate Claire's 7th birthday.  I think I was the one who got the better gift ~ time with Jennifer and her family.
Claire ~ me ~ Sarah after spending the night at the
hotel where Claire had a swim/birthday party
Sweet Emma showing her first tooth
I also got to be a part of the Walkathon at Windsot Charter Academy.  Both "big" girls attend there and they participated with enthusiasm!  The school raised $13,000.00 dollars!  I went during Claire's turn and managed to make it five rounds with her (she made 10) 

Ponytail flying as she approaches the
check in line
Jennifer, Emma, and I went back for Sarah's turn.  I made two with her, Jennifer made three, and Sarah had a total of 12 laps!  Go girl!!! 
Sarah (in hat) didn't wait very long before removing
her jacket and tying it around her waist. 
 Claire's jack o lantern 
Sarah's jack o lantern 
Jennifer's jack o lantern that she used
for her Wednesday night class with the
pumpkin prayer ~ very nice
(I had never heard it) 
Jennifer ~ no other caption necessary? 
This is Sarah's school project
She has to build a castle and this is what she wants it to look like.  I got to help with some of the smaller buildings.   Can't wait to see the finished product. 
We went trick or treating down the streets of Windsor and when one of the girls got tired of wearing their hat ~ Arie took it ~ he makes quite the handsome wizard, yes?
So, my trip took me to Colorado and back and I enjoyed every bit of it.  I was welcomed with love and sent on my way with hugs.  I will return in December for Emma's birthday.  Hoping I can talk Buck into going with me.

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