Friday, May 29, 2009

Oh what FUN!

Claire and Sarah on the plane
Rocking at Cracker Barrel
Claire was keeping her pup safe
by sticking him in her shirt
Sarah enjoyed the rockers, also
Topher is in deep concentration mode
Kim helped Topher try the bike while
Jakob went alongside on the rip stick
Claire and Magra had a bonding moment
Sarah squatting on a stump
Water was a "wee bit" chilly
Topher and Sarah
Jakob, Magra with Claire, Sarah, and
that's Topher underneath the water
Kim, Jakob, Topher, and I drove to Nashville on Thursday to pick up Jennifer, Sarah, and Claire. Anyone out there know why the Nashville airport has the initials BNA? We even asked a couple of people working there and they didn't know! They had a good flight and the drive back to Jasper was enjoyable. We stopped for food at a Cracker Barrel (yum). On Friday we visited with Mother and Daddy and the children showed off their wheel skills. Jakob has a rip stick, which is basically a two wheeled skateboard, Topher has a scooter, and Sarah is working on two wheel biking. Claire stayed on the porch with Mamaw and Papaw to watch the show. Everyone wears pads and Sarah has a helmet so they were all safe.
Later in the day we went swimming! I got in with the grandchildren while Jennifer and Kim stayed on the deck and watched. It was the first swim of the season and we stayed for almost an hour. It was very refreshing but time to get out when little chins started to quiver. The boys are excellent swimmers and the girls were very brave in their floats. Both boys are tall enough that they can touch bottom with no problems. The girls giggled when they would dive underneath them. Buck grilled chicken for supper and the day was labeled a good one.
School is out ~ hope you are all well ~ enjoy the summer. More later. . . .

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Don't worry

Jennifer and the girls get to Nashville on Thursday. They will fly out again next Wednesday. I probably won't take the time to blog while they are here. Never fear, dear reader, I'm sure I will have stories to share afterward. Kim and the boys will be out of school, so I'm hoping we will have all of them with us for most of the next week. Today and tomorrow I will be doing the last cleaning and preparations for their arrival. Jakob has his last ballgame tonight and Topher will have his on Saturday. We want to go visit Lisa (since she will be working most of the time they are here) and check out her apartment ~ maybe go to the Vulcan. Other than that we will be around the house ~ outside, in the pool, flying kites, that sort of thing.
Hope you have a good week, as well.
Buh bye ~ kiss kiss!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

Proud to be an American?
Thank a soldier!
Home of the Brave.
Hug a veteran!
Land of the Free.
Pray it stays that way.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

And this is Jennifer

The look
Ready to go shovel snow? Beautiful, yes?
Reading with the girls.

Jennifer, or Jen, is our oldest daughter. We always called her Jennifer but when she went away to school she turned into a Jen. She is the mother of two wonderful little girls, Sarah and Claire, and wife to a great guy named Arie. They live in Colorado and we have a standing phone call "appointment"on Thursdays. She is a dental assistant.
What can I say about her? She was a gymnast and ballerina growing up. She waterskiied when she lived with us but has learned to snowboard since living in Colorado. Now, sometimes I wonder who raised her! She eats much healthier than we fed her and exercises like a dynamo! I walk with her when I go to visit (she is nice enough to slow down for me) but the girl can WALK! She is very involved with her children, getting Sarah ready for kindergarten in the fall and trying to figure out what to do with Claire's hair. She is soft spoken and kind and we are very proud of her.
I wrote about her last because when people ask me about our children I usually name them in age order: Jennifer, Kim, and Lisa. You've read lots about Lisa so I thought I would tell you a little about Kim and then Jennifer. (As I've said before, I am a middle sister and believe older sisters don't necessarily have to come first ALL the time) We love all three of our girls. They each bring us pleasure in their own way. No one should ever wish all their children were alike 'cause ~ where's the fun in that??

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Hello out there. . . .

To Jeannette Brown Stanley:
Thanks for reading my blog.
Lisa told me you have been in touch with her?
You can get my email from Terrell.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

To market to market. . .

To market to market to buy some more pills.
Seems like just last week I got refills!
Buck's pills do not run out at the same time ~ there's gotta be a way to figure that one out! Today I am going for two perscriptions and then on to Walmart. I worked in the yard yesterday and will do some more today but I've got to get to the store and pick up a few essentials. (no NOT chocolate) Buck has started eating carrots for snacks and those are running low. Maybe we should have planted carrots in the garden??
Someone gave Teresa some aloe vera and hens/chicken plants. I am going by today to pick those up and will plant them when I get home. I also plan to trim the shrubbery and haul that off. . . .and people think I don't do anything during the day except watch soap operas! HA! (I do watch One Life to Live ~ sometimes it is night before I get to it)
Looking forward to having Jennifer and the girls with us in a few days. Kim and the boys will be out of school so they can come over and play and play and play. I need to get out the Barbies and the Hot Wheels. . . .hmmmmm wonder which box those are in?!?
Need to get this day started ~ buh bye!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

My Kim

The look
Gorgeous isn't she?

Watching Topher play baseball
Even in the rain!

Kim is our middle daughter. I can feel for her since I am also a middle daughter. She was a fireball growing up with a temper that could pop off at the drop of a hat. But she was also a loving girl who enjoyed gymnastics and ballet, could play golf with her dad, and water skied like a pro. Buck's parents thought she and Jennifer could do no wrong. After Mrs. Nibler (Nana) passed away, Mr. Nibler (Granddaddy) hired someone to bring her piano to our house for the girls.

Now she is a 7th and 8th grade math teacher at Lupton Junior High. She is a self proclaimed "math nerd" and can figure out any problem you throw at her. She is wife to a great man named Skoot and mother to Jakob and Christopher and we are very proud of her. Who would ever had imagined her as a mother to BOYS? She is not crazy about dirt and sweaty is not her favorite thing but she loves Jakob and Topher with hugs and kisses no matter how nasty they are. She knows more about baseball than I ever wanted to know and goes fishing (although I'm not sure she baits her own hook).

Friday, May 15, 2009

John Howard Panter

This is my dad.

He is 80 years old today. Earlier this week I asked him what he wanted for his birthday and he replied "to be alive". I bought him the first season of "Walker, Texas Ranger" on DVD and two Corelle dinner plates. He and Mother eat off paper plates most of the time because the dinnerware they have is so heavy neither of them can carry it. And when they heat something in the microwave, there's always a fear that it will end up on the floor ~ splat! He says the day is just another day but it should be special in some small way, don't you think? I'm taking him a banana pudding and he can eat the whole thing if he wants.

Daddy is slipping a little in the memory department but when I look in his eyes I can see he's still in there. He laughs at my jokes and lets me fix things around the house for him. (we pretend he is helping me by handing me a tool or giving an opinion on how it should be done)

I remember waiting for him to come home from work and catching a ride on the running board of his truck. He would reach out an arm and hold you around the waist so you wouldn't fall off and sometimes there was a "treat" in his lunchbox. He would save a little something for us ~ like a peanut butter and cracker. It tasted like ambrosia because it came from his lunchbox.

If you saw him standing you would see a crooked little man with a crooked little walk but I see a straight, tall, strong man who could do anything ~ and he wasn't afraid of ANYTHING ~ even the wampus cat that lived in our woods. (family joke)

He enjoys visits from the grandchildren and great grandchildren. He may not be able to get out and throw a ball with Kim's boys but he likes to watch them. You can see pride on his face when they lead a song at church. He is looking forward to a visit from Jennifer and her girls in a couple of weeks. He and Mother welcome company because they don't get out much themselves anymore ~ just to church, the doctors offices, grocery shopping.
If you are in the neighborhood drop in on them.

Monday, May 11, 2009

What's going on in my head????

I had good intentions today but nothing went right!
I even went to Walmart with my tee shirt on wrong side out!
Not to worry. . . .
tomorrow I will have a list and a definite PLAN.
Big Hug ~ kiss kiss

Saturday, May 9, 2009

The last birdie has flown (again)

Lisa being ~ well. . . Lisa
Attractive work attire.
She let someone practice on her face.
"Casual"~ the best description.
The closet is ALMOST empty
The guitar stands alone in the corner
She took the mattress!
There was a good-bye note on the mirror.
Lisa moved to Homewood on Friday. She has a roommate this time. We loaded her stuff in about an hour and a half when I got home with the U-haul. When we got to the apartment Brittany was there and we were able to unload the trailer and EX in time for me to hit Birmingham rush hour traffic. I returned the trailer, watched Jakob play ball, came home and went to bed. WHEW!
Today is Mother's Day.
For all the mothers out there ~ have a wonderful day.
For all the people who love them ~ tell them you do.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Hey Sarah!

Jakob in blue Topher in red
Jakob jumped off and Topher sat there bouncin'
Jakob was a little braver than Topher
Topher stopped to pose
I thought this was a "wicked cool" picture

Last year when you came for a visit, you climbed a small tree in the front yard. A while back when the boys were staying with me, they decided to move to a bigger tree in the backyard. Thought you would like to see them and maybe they will help you climb it the next time you are here. I have a surprise for you and Claire. . . don't ask Mom!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Christopher Martin Wilson

Happy Birthday to You
You live in a ZOO
You act like a monkey
And smell like one TOO
Happy Birthday Topher
We love you!
Big Hug Lotsa Little Kisses!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Take me out to the ballgame!

First baseman
Down and ready at Short Stop
Working the "chatter"
It's a HIT!
Ready to steal
Roundin' 3rd
Wait for the dust to settle. . .SAFE!
How do you watch a ballgame? I watch #44 (the rest of the team are just background). I never know what position Jakob will be in when I arrive at the ball field. Sometimes he plays short stop,or he may be pitcher, or catcher, or first baseman. I've learned a lot about baseball since moving to Alabama. They start with tee ball ~ which is HILARIOUS then move up to coach pitch ~ then player pitch. This year Jakob's age gets to steal bases! Something new to watch for! Maybe I will get some photos of Topher playing soon ~ in his case I watch #00. They got rained out today ~ giving me time to blog for y'all.

We are into May and that means Jennifer and the girls will be here THIS MONTH. Kim and the boys will be out of school soon. Lisa is thinking about moving to the Birmingham area. Other events? My dad will be 80 on May 15th. I helped him fix both of his riding lawn mowers recently. He never would have asked for help when he was younger but I keep telling him it's my turn to do for him and he can just sit and point at what he needs. He and Teresa got out on both mowers one day this week and had their yard done in an hour and a half.

Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...