Tuesday, May 19, 2009

To market to market. . .

To market to market to buy some more pills.
Seems like just last week I got refills!
Buck's pills do not run out at the same time ~ there's gotta be a way to figure that one out! Today I am going for two perscriptions and then on to Walmart. I worked in the yard yesterday and will do some more today but I've got to get to the store and pick up a few essentials. (no NOT chocolate) Buck has started eating carrots for snacks and those are running low. Maybe we should have planted carrots in the garden??
Someone gave Teresa some aloe vera and hens/chicken plants. I am going by today to pick those up and will plant them when I get home. I also plan to trim the shrubbery and haul that off. . . .and people think I don't do anything during the day except watch soap operas! HA! (I do watch One Life to Live ~ sometimes it is night before I get to it)
Looking forward to having Jennifer and the girls with us in a few days. Kim and the boys will be out of school so they can come over and play and play and play. I need to get out the Barbies and the Hot Wheels. . . .hmmmmm wonder which box those are in?!?
Need to get this day started ~ buh bye!

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Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...