Monday, August 24, 2009

Karma Kame Knocking

The hole in the grass
where the watermelon USE to be!
Buck likes to regale the children and now the grandchildren with some of his escapades from his youth. . . . like stealing a truckload of watermelons with his friends. After they decided there was NO WAY they were going to be able to eat them all and that if they took them home they would be in BIG TROUBLE they rode down the road throwing them out and watching them burst! Now isn't that a funny story????
We have a small garden this year. It started out great. We killed the weeds, tilled the ground, planted, and waited. We got cucumbers for pickles (yum) and WAY TOO MANY radishes (but also yum), the wildlife enjoyed the corn (deer, raccoon, and crow), and after I cut bamboo and made little tee pees for the beans to run up Buck told me they aren't his favorite!!!! The Lima beans plants were pretty ~ but no beans, our tomatoes were non-existent, and the cantaloupe ripened while we were away and were mushy. That left us with watermelon. . . . SOMEONE STOLE OUR WATERMELONS! To whoever took them ~ I hope you choke on a seed. I guess it is true ~ Karma is a B**ch.

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Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...