Saturday, September 12, 2009


Topher FINALLY lost that tooth
that was barely hanging on.
Today's post is scattered. It covers different subjects in no particular order or timeline. It is Saturday and I just finished mowing half of our yard. The rest will wait until. . . .probably Monday. Tomorrow will be a scurry to church and home to relax and do laundry then back to church. Jakob and Topher are coming over to play games (I have a "Ratchet and Clank" they don't know about). Talked to Jennifer this week ~ sounds like Sarah is getting into the school groove ~ much to Jennifer's chagrin.
We had a slug on our garage door last week (Yuck)
Buck wanted me to send the photo to the girls and ask them if they were interested in joining him for some escargot. Kim and Jennifer like them ~ can't remember if Lisa has ever tried them but they've never eaten ANYTHING that looks like this. Escargot comes in butter and garlic sauce on a neat little plate NOT stretched out like this.
Sarah got false fingernails for her birthday
I think she wore them about 20 minutes after
Jennifer put them on for her.
Funny how you THINK you want something until you have it. Sarah wanted these tips (or so she thought) until she tried to play with them on. I tried one ~ totally unmanageable for me as well.
Mother uses this cane when her knee is bothering her.
Daddy would do well to use one also. Don't think anyone will be bothering her when she has that in hand. (She's also been known to pack heat ~ so watch it)
Speaking of Daddy ~ here he is in the hospital
getting ready for a test of some sort.
Claire enjoys "reading"
I will be traveling to Colorado next month for Claire's birthday. My plan was to be a "smaller" Magra the next time they see me ~ so far that isn't working out very well. Suggestions??
Sarah practicing her hop scotch skills.
Ever the girlie girl ~ with the hair swept up so she can see where she is going. Both girls like wearing dresses and going barefoot.
Playing in the freshly mowed grass
results in GREEN FEET.
That's all for today ~ gotta shower and get ready for a football game. Jakob is playing for Carbon Hill and we are traveling to Addison. . . .maybe I should find out where that is.
Kiss Kiss

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Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...