Monday, January 10, 2011

And the snow came!

Buck is not a "cold weather" guy.
He watched from the garage.
The snow that was predicted ~ came! James Spann got it right! And indeed ~ Lisa did not go to work and neither did Buck. We played in the snow and I'm sure I will feel it in the morning!

The P2 hasn't moved since I came home from WalMart yesterday.

Lisa's truck moved ONLY because she needed gas on the off chance that she will go to work tomorrow. ("They" are saying that the slush on the roads will freeze tonight) I managed to get a shot of the yard BEFORE the dogs went nuts!

Lisa and I went outside and played for a bit. When we lived in Wyoming we would go to one of the parks and sled down the hills. I don't know what happened to that many years ago was that?? Anyway... we used a piece of cardboard and it was HILARIOUS!

Thumbs up and ready to Go-o-o-o-o She ended her ride facing the wrong way! I know you can't hear it but I screamed and laughed all the way to the bottom! No one is brave enough to go jump in the pool today!

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Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...