Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Miss Cellanea?!

I have photos and CDs with photos and today I thought I would share....it's my blog and my grandchildren so bear with me :-) Unless you've been living under a rock, you know Alabama was hit with SNOW last week. Sunday ~ "oh look, it's snowing" Monday ~ "let's go out and play" Tuesday ~ "it's still here??" Wednesday ~ "there's ice on the road STILL?!" Thursday ~ "I need to go to the store ~ think there's anything left?" Friday ~ "Hallelujah, the sun is shining!!" Schools were closed all week so now parents are wondering "when will we make up those days?" I overheard a conversation about vacation plans and if they go into the summer ~ what are we going to do about our reservations.......

Topher enjoys "piloting" the four wheeler

Jakob has "style" when it comes to posing

Okay ~ subject change ~ we shipped Jennifer's family packages via UPS. Have you ever heard "the box is more fun than the gift inside??" Here's proof....

Sarah tucked into the packing peanuts
Claire took her turn
They found out the box was big enough for two!
Wouldn't you love to get that package??
Unrelated photo of sunset in Windsor, Colorado
Relax, enjoy

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Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...