Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Last day of May 2011

Ever had one of those days when you just "feel" FAT?
When the macaroni spills all over the floor?

Today is NOT one of those days!
Claire painted a lovely necklace for me
(and we saved the macaroni I dumped on the floor)

Jakob pitched in a few games this season.

Buck caught the "action" with his birthday present (a new camera)

Here we go-o-o-o-o
(see the ball?)

and the follow through

(check the leg)

Trust me when I say

"The water was COLD!"

Claire "assisted" me with my earrings

(I have six)

Sarah lost a tooth

I think she swallowed this one

And then the other one

don't just love that face??
What you can learn from a batter. . . .

Be prepared for what's coming at you

and ready to "adjust" when things don't go as planned

Have a Great Day!

Friday, May 27, 2011

More from the Butterfly Pavilion

Sarah got to check out of school early and we arrived just as the school tours were ending so it wasn't over crowded.Butterflies ~ the pupa stage?
This large room was full of bugs....spiders....a honey bee hive....creepy crawlies
Jennifer's "grown up" reaction to some of them was "EWWWW"
Posing beside the tarantula tanks
you could stand in line to hold a live tarantula
(we didn't)
If we sit REAL still maybe a butterfly will land on our finger??

(and it will give a tired Magra a chance to rest a sec)
They were beautiful
but not as beautiful as this group
Tried to be "artistic" and pose the girls with the landscaping

Sarah's flashed her dimples

and Claire ~ not sure if she was posing

or trying NOT to fall off the rock

Sarah, Claire, and Jennifer as pupa

One last activity

Monday, May 23, 2011

My birthday in Colorado

One of the "events" during my visit to Colorado was my birthday celebration. I know it was in April but they waited for me and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Jennifer and Claire made the cupcakes. I got to pick the color....white cupcakes with white icing ~ they jazzed them up with butterflies.

Balloons, presents, and cupcakes, OH MY!

Jennifer piped the butterflies onto waxed paper and Claire helped with the colored sugar and jellybean bodies.
My job was to watch
They sang
I got this cool purse
and some snuggly pjs
Sarah enjoyed her soft tacos pre-cupcake Claire is READY for her cupcake
This is how we see Arie most of the time
At the end of the day it was all about ME!

Thanks for the birthday party!!!!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Egyptian Celebration

What to do on a Friday in Windsor, Colorado?? I got up and took Sarah to school....there was a suspicious light on the dashboard....hmmmmmm ~ low tire pressure. When I returned, I checked the tires and put air in all of them (just to be on the safe side) the light went off ~ hooray!! After showers and such we were off to open gym for Claire.

The girl knows how to pose

(even if I don't know how to snap a photo in focus)

She likes the parallel bars.
(check the tension in the toes)
Jennifer joined her in one of the pits Just hangin' aroundThey "thought" they could hide!!!!
Whew! after all that activity
a nap was in order!

Then we were off to the Egyptian Celebration at Sarah's school !! They learned about Pharaohs, mummies, scarabs, etc. All of the children were wearing togas (bed sheets held together by safety pins) and were adorned with jewels they worked on in class.

Pharaoh Sarah in all her glory!! The whole class (that's me on the far right) Jennifer and I took turns with the
palm frond used to cool the royalty
(we were mere slaves) The children made flails played Egyptian tug of war and wrapped cat mummies

There was also a food station where they could dine on gold plates and drink out of gold cups while enjoying grapes, dates, bread, and beef while being fanned by the afore pictured slaves. Also at the food station was a "make-up artist"?.... you be the judge

One of the "servants" applied eyeliner to the Pharaohs and.... what do you call girl Pharaohs?? I'm hoping Cleopatra's makeup did not run like Claire's!

P.S. The next day my warning light came on again so Arie checked it and Jennifer and I went to the tire shop and had it fixed....there was a piece of metal in it.... they didn't charge me anything!!!! Arie and Buck thought it would be around $15.00 Maybe they felt sorry for me or maybe it was Jennifer's Southern Belle charm??

Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...