Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A visit to the library

For the next few posts I will be talking about my trip to Colorado. The girls are avid readers and we usually make a trip to the library when I am there. This trip was no exception. Jennifer has a bag that will hold 20 or 30 books. I'm sure they are looking forward to the summer program, it's always fun. How about this cool tree

right in the middle of the library?
Claire enjoyed sitting under it
while Jennifer and Sarah searched
for books.
Jennifer even picked up a
couple for herself!
They also have a free magazine
exchange ~ bring one/pick up one.
Sarah picked up three "Treehouse"
books and proceeded to the reading
chairs located beside the fireplace.
Claire enjoys the puzzle center.
There is a nice reading area in the children's
section of the library.
These photos were taken with my phone. Next up? I will weed through the plethora of photos from my camera and Jennifer's cameras....this may take a while, but I WILL be back.

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