Friday, May 27, 2011

More from the Butterfly Pavilion

Sarah got to check out of school early and we arrived just as the school tours were ending so it wasn't over crowded.Butterflies ~ the pupa stage?
This large room was full of bugs....spiders....a honey bee hive....creepy crawlies
Jennifer's "grown up" reaction to some of them was "EWWWW"
Posing beside the tarantula tanks
you could stand in line to hold a live tarantula
(we didn't)
If we sit REAL still maybe a butterfly will land on our finger??

(and it will give a tired Magra a chance to rest a sec)
They were beautiful
but not as beautiful as this group
Tried to be "artistic" and pose the girls with the landscaping

Sarah's flashed her dimples

and Claire ~ not sure if she was posing

or trying NOT to fall off the rock

Sarah, Claire, and Jennifer as pupa

One last activity

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