Sunday, July 3, 2011

Florida ~ Fun in the Sun!

Topher's team was going to Panama City Beach, Florida for the World Series.  Kim invited me to go along.....what to do....what to do????  I went ~ of course!
A six hour drive on a Sunday afternoon?
"Piece of Cake" 
Florida state line
I followed the instructions I received from "Nuvi" , Buck's GPS.  A couple of times I thought she was WRONG but I continued to twist and turn down 331 until....
I made it to the Majestic Towers
had to wait outside for a bit while Kim went in and corrected my vehicle type
(from Chevrolet to Toyota ~ cause they look so much alike, right)
Kim and Tanner's mom staked out a piece of beach 
I waded in ~ felt DE-vine!
Jakob and Topher body surfed
Is it still body surfing if you are using a board?
Kim went to the grocery store and Skoot went upstairs for a bit but the boys weren't quite ready to give it up for the day so we went to the pool ~ located UNDER the building ~ don't know who thought that was a good idea! 
Topher refused to go any further in because the water was so cold!!
It didn't bother Jakob but he WAS ready to hop in the hot tub.
Our first day at the beach ended with a beautiful sunset. 
The End

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Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...