Friday, June 26, 2009

In a pickle

This is a random photo Kim sent of the boys on the day of their yard sale. They were chilly and everyone knows you CAN fit your whole body inside a tee shirt if necessary. LOL
My day's work
We have a garden this year and I have been harvesting the cucumbers. Mrs. Nibler use to soak cucumbers in a sugar/vinegar mixture that Buck still enjoys. Today I made bread and butter pickles. I have six pint jars with dibs on one from Wanda and one from Jennifer. . . .we have four pints of pickles :-) The process took up most of my day. The rest of the day I have played "Ratchet and Clank" on playstation and gone swimming.
Hope your day has been pleasant as well. Big hug ~ lotsa little kisses!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Coleman

Happy birthday to YOU!
You live in a ZOO!
You act like a MONKEY,
And smell like one TOO!
(Why do they call you TATER?)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

More about the grandchildren

Waiting for the "go" signal
Claire strikes a pose
Some were 'eggstra' easy
You've never heard of an egg tree?
Both hands full. . .
where's the next one?
Stretching for the prize
I mentioned earlier that the grandchildren hunted Easter eggs at their great-grandparents' house this month. Wanted to share a few more photos of the event. Kim and Jennifer hid the eggs (which contained candy) while the children stayed inside with Mother, Daddy, and me. I think the grown-ups enjoyed it almost as much as the little people.
It's always fun when we have our children together. The grandchildren get along with each other and the girls have a chance to catch up. We talk on the phone and email but there's nothing to compare with a face to face visit.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

It's all about the "do"

Jennifer braided my hair before she left
Topher was concentrating on Ratchet
Spike may be his new name
If you have the "do" you have to be cool
Sideview of the 'hawk ~ just for Lisa

I've been letting my hair grow for the last couple of years and must say Alabama weather is NOT conducive to long flowing locks. I braid it, ponytail it, or bun it when I know I will be outside for any length of time. The boys came by yesterday with new haircuts and styles. They are using some sort of "glue" to keep it up! Interesting?

Monday, June 15, 2009

The "wonders' of modern medicine?

Today I went to the neurologist with Daddy ~ and Mother, of course. His appointment was for one o'clock (remember that time). We were patient. At 2:45 I asked how much longer they thought it would be. Around three o'clock he was called to the back for a weigh in, blood pressure check, etc. It was 4:15 when the doctor casually walked through our door! Remember the one o'clock appointment? By 4:30 we were headed home with lighter spirits and good news, but three and a half hours?! I mean, really!
There was GOOD news. Last week when we went to their general doctor he prescribed a pill for Daddy to "enhance" his appetite. Yes he probably had a TIA on Monday BUT the pill for his appetite was the likely cause of his disorientation and sleepiness. See, Daddy has a less than perfect kidney function and the pills (which may cause drowsiness) were not being processed through his system and by Wednesday of last week he was doped up and couldn't stay awake. Thank the good Lord that it wasn't a stroke. We can all rest better tonight.

Friday, June 12, 2009

My Dad

Teresa, Daddy, and me
A big 80th kisseroo from 2/3 of his daughters.
(Wanda is in New Mexico)

My dad celebrated his 80th birthday last month. Eighty! He said he never thought about being 80. I guess I never thought much about it either. This week I've been thinking about it a lot. I went with Mother and Daddy to the doctor on Monday and he seemed "distant". On Tuesday Mother mentioned she thought he had had another TIA (transient ischemic attack). He usually bounces back from them in a day or so but today is Friday and he still isn't himself, all he wants to do is sleep, totally unDaddyish. He has been diagnosed with dementia and has been having TIA's for a couple of years. A little confusion and forgetfulness for a couple of days isn't bad. This one this week, I'm afraid, is prophetic of things to come. We are going to see his neurologist on Monday to access the damage and possibly start another medication. He says he may not go ~ but just between us ~ I think I could pick him up and put him in the car if necessary ;-) I know he is still in there (check out the smile on the kissing photo) but sometimes he gets lost.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Being the Magra

Jakob, Granddad, Topher,
Sarah, Magra, and Claire
One reason to come to my house
Being the Magra does have its perks. I get to love them and spoil them and send them home :-) One thing we do together is play video games. Today Jakob came over to spend some time with just me. First we went to Daddy's and cut some bamboo poles so I can "stick" the beans in the garden. When we got home we played "Ratchet" on Playstation. They like this one because things get blown up! After each of us had our 30 minute limit we made lunch (Spaghettios and chocolate milkshakes). During lunch it started to thunder so swimming was postponed. We went back to playing a video game ~ where I'm stuck on a level! After the storm blew over we out for a swim and back inside to finish the level Jakob is on. . . .ahhhhh what a nice day!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Monday Monday

Open wide for ice cream!
Surprise Aunt Lisa!
Making a "fashion" statement?
Waiting her turn for Wii
Chillin' in the front yard
with the kitten
The sun is in my eyes!
How does this thing work, anyway?
Greetings from poolside
Long day of play
Reading before nap time
May the light always find you on a dreary day,
When you need to be home, may you find your way.
May you always have courage to take a chance,
And never find frogs in your underpants.

Friday, June 5, 2009

The Heart

While I hadn't planned to blog today, I decided I would give you an update on Buck's heart. Wednesday night he thought he was going into AFIB. Yesterday morning we took his blood pressure (which was fine) but his pulse rate was around 135. This is called a "flutter" and is occuring in the left side of his heart. After a call to Dr. Hanna and a return call from him, we headed to Princeton Hospital. We went directly to his office and were told he was expecting us in the hospital! After checking in downstairs and a short wheelchair ride, Buck was settled into a room to await a Cardio Inversion. They basically stopped his heart and shocked it into starting up again. When it starts back up, it is in a normal rhythm. The procedure worked and we got to come home yesterday with instructions for him to start taking the Rhythmol once again. Hopefully the medication will keep him in check, otherwise he will be having another heart procedure. . .but ONLY IF this doesn't work.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The last hugs

Jennifer learned about "Wii" with
the guys Bottle feeding Kim's itty bitty kitty
Sarah held a hamster
(like Rhino from "Bolt")
Kim shared a "play doh" moment
with the girls
The boys were gracious and
helped the girls
Sarah shares a hug with
Mamaw and Papaw
Claire puckers up for Papaw
A little love for Aunt Teresa
Claire thought Tee looks like Moses!
Yesterday we got up, showered, dressed, and headed to Kim's. After playing with Play-Doh and getting to hold a kitten AND a hamster then we moved on to Papaw and Mamaw's house where they hid Easter eggs! (yes you read that correctly) Kim and Jennifer remember doing that when they were younger and thought their children should have that experience as well. It was stinkin' hot so Mother, Daddy, and I opted to go inside after one hunt. The girls agreed that was a little over the top and maybe that's why Easter egg hunts are held at Easter time? They had a surprise visitor when Tee stopped by to meet them. Later in the day Teresa came over for a pizza 'last supper' and some Scrabble play ~ Kim won.
It was a whirlwind visit ~ over too soon.
Tonight I will prepare
Buck's lunch for tomorrow,
pop a Unisom and
stay in bed as long as possible
in the morning to
avoid waking up to a quiet house.
G'night ~ kiss kiss

Monday, June 1, 2009

Sunday with the fam

Buck being "cool"?
Skoot and Jakob
Magra and Sarah
Claire and Lisa
Jennifer and Claire
Football and Frisbee
Jakob being a monkey
Sarah in a tree
What fun to sit in the front yard and watch the grandchildren play hide and seek and tossing a football or frisbee! Lisa came home on Sunday so we had all three girls with us for church Sunday morning. (she brought along four loads of laundry) Jakob can climb high in the tree out front and Sarah gives it her best try. They played hide and seek ~ boys vs. girls (Skoot helped) Lisa had to go back to Homewood Sunday evening so she missed out on the Scrabble game. We are so blessed to have healthy happy grandchildren and beautiful daughters. Both sons-in-law are good men. Buck is digging all the attention and I just walk around smiling. Life is good.

Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...