Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The last hugs

Jennifer learned about "Wii" with
the guys Bottle feeding Kim's itty bitty kitty
Sarah held a hamster
(like Rhino from "Bolt")
Kim shared a "play doh" moment
with the girls
The boys were gracious and
helped the girls
Sarah shares a hug with
Mamaw and Papaw
Claire puckers up for Papaw
A little love for Aunt Teresa
Claire thought Tee looks like Moses!
Yesterday we got up, showered, dressed, and headed to Kim's. After playing with Play-Doh and getting to hold a kitten AND a hamster then we moved on to Papaw and Mamaw's house where they hid Easter eggs! (yes you read that correctly) Kim and Jennifer remember doing that when they were younger and thought their children should have that experience as well. It was stinkin' hot so Mother, Daddy, and I opted to go inside after one hunt. The girls agreed that was a little over the top and maybe that's why Easter egg hunts are held at Easter time? They had a surprise visitor when Tee stopped by to meet them. Later in the day Teresa came over for a pizza 'last supper' and some Scrabble play ~ Kim won.
It was a whirlwind visit ~ over too soon.
Tonight I will prepare
Buck's lunch for tomorrow,
pop a Unisom and
stay in bed as long as possible
in the morning to
avoid waking up to a quiet house.
G'night ~ kiss kiss


Jeannette said...

So glad it was such a great visit.They all sound like wonderful family.

The Willenbrecht's said...

This is so fun to look at these again and again and remember what we did with you guys. Thanks for a fun week!

Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...