Saturday, July 24, 2010

Almost skinny dippin'

It has been "rather hot" in Alabama the last few days. I've been working in the yard almost everyday on one project or another. Today I mowed a bit, burned some limbs, covered part of the ditch and got REALLY HOT AND SWEATY. Instead of going in the house and putting on my swimsuit ~ I just stripped down to my underwear (not much different from a two piece suit)and jumped in the pool. It was wonderful! I cooled off, dipped the pool, and was out without being seen by anyone but the dogs.
Now a warning for any of you that may have a small wading pool in your yard. A woman that works with Teresa went out the other day and her wading pool was filling with "foam". She thought someone was pulling a prank by putting bubbles in the pool.... NOT. A couple of days later she took a closer look ~ it was FULL of tadpoles! Her husband gave her 48 hours to get rid of them ~ she wanted to take them to a lake and set them free ~ he wanted to dump the pool and "set them free". My questions are: why didn't she dump it when it was full of foam? Who gets in that pool? Our dogs get in theirs but I dump it and refill because the water gets warm just sitting there.
10 days until Jennifer, Sarah, and Claire arrive!

1 comment:

The Willenbrecht's said...

Love the new backround!!! Fun post!

Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...