Monday, July 19, 2010

It was a beautiful day

A beautiful Alabama summer day.
Blue skies and puffy clouds, what a day! I was at WalMart around 6:30 this morning doing a little grocery shopping. It was a nice time to go . . . .no screaming children. . . .no cranky people complaining about the remodel going on.
Time to get some things done!
I was at Mother's by 8:15 this morning to pick up her grocery list and go back to WalMart. I know some of you are thinking "Why not just do both in one trip" To you I say "NOT GONNA HAPPEN" I like doing two trips that way I don't have to make sure I don't bring home her butter milk and she doesn't keep my Coffee Heath Bar Crunch Ice Cream.

Might as well wear the swimsuit?

Last week this was my friend.
While I dug this ditch for the drainage pipe.

The pipe was stretched across the yard for some time. Buck did the preliminary digging with the tiller and I did the secondary digging with a shovel. Still gotta cover it. . . but that's for another day, right?

Today the pool NEEDED to be vacuumed.
A job I do willingly and then I swim.
Got this birdbath at Mother's
the good Lord filled it for me yesterday.
Lisa's dog Riley (my dog Riley)

Riley lays under the deck while I'm in the pool. The dogs have their own pool, which he doesn't get in but I have seen him drink from it. The labs LOVE their pool.
Gotta have HOPE
that I will get the swing hung in the big tree out back BEFORE Jennifer and the girls come next month. Can't wait to see how well Sarah can swim and if Claire will be braver this summer.
The swing from Mother and
Daddy's front porch.
Made for Mamaw and Papaw Panter
I may be "all wet"
but I did most of the things
on my list today.

1 comment:

The Willenbrecht's said...

Cool post mom! Are you putting that swing from Mawmaw's in your tree?

Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...